
Variety of vertebrates has tails. Human beings are a social animal, but they are unique in nature and appearance. All of us have pets in the form of cats and dogs mostly. Have you ever wondered why dogs have a tail and some other animals don’t? Most of the dogs have born with tails, and it’s for their safety purposes. One cannot challenge the creation of GOD. Similarly, a small tail in dogs back can be a lifesaver for them. It has loads of reasons and benefits.

The fundamental reason for the dog’s tail is that they are necessary for the locomotion. The tail also acts a leading role in the theoretical development of the vertebrate. Tails are enlisted in the structure of the animals for a lot of reasons.

According to American pet club research there are following significant reasons why dog have tails;



As there are specific breedings of dogs, some are pets, some used for intelligence purpose, etc. some dogs are meant to perform significant duties for the companies, like security companies. Do a test with your dog by throwing a toy or bone, and he will chase it. Observe that your dog’s tail will assist the movements of dog. Whenever he wants to change the direction his tail will help him. The front legs of the dog will go straight in the direction that he intends. While other legs continue the original direction. Meanwhile, the tails will move to the new direction. Tail tosses to the same direction when your dog counterweight to your body.


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Tail serves as a counterbalance on a regular basis. Even while running, walking and sitting. Watch your dog along a narrow surface you will see the tail will be hard. This is because the tail helps dogs to balance herself by putting its weight in the opposite direction. Those dogs, whose activities include, climbing the various surfaces by using their tails, to balance uneven paths.



It is a distinct concept that dogs use their tails for communication. Notice your dog wags its tail when you walk out of the room. The tails of the dog can show their mood. They use their tails to communicate with their fellows also. For example, a happy dog will be wagging its tail while an afraid dog will tuck its tail between the legs. Dogs are the most submissive pets, and they can learn the behaviors. This is the reason they communicate with their tails.

Tails usage also depends on their breed. For instance, a northern breed dog covers its nose with thick tails when its cold out there. Water rescue dogs have large tails to help them in swimming.

Aside from that, dogs also showcase their emotions through their tail movements. They use their tails in conjunction with their eyes, ears, and postures to communicate with their fellow or their misters. Some of those emotions include;

  • Happiness
  • Fear
  • Excitement
  • Dimonance
  • Submission
  • Sadness


Tails postures and motion

The principal reason for the tail is communication, and it’s a different term. Therefore, the three postures also communicate a message from dogs.



The height of the tail depicts the enthusiasm and timidity. Let’s suppose, a dog is confident and feels secure with his mister will hold the tail higher as much as it can. Whereas, a sad dog will lower his tail.



Wagging of tails usually shows the excitement of dogs. You can observe it in your dog also, when you came back home after the holidays, or call him at the dinner table. In both conditions, the wagging, of the tail will be moderate and speedy respectively.



As dogs are the sweetest pets, therefore, they are more flexible and confident about their feelings. For example, a dog who is tense, his tail will remain straight and will rarely feel comfortable.



Also, there are social and biological aspects of dogs having a tail. The social element is described, means communication. While the biological aspects are bit practical, it includes balancing. Dog’s tail has several attractive factors such as;

The wagging actions are governed by the brain hemisphere. No matter it leans towards left or right, which depends mostly on the mood, and on that state, which side of the brain is dominant.

Wagging the tail towards the right means the dog is happy. When the excellent mood prevails, the left side of the brain gets active and starts controlling the right side. The leftward leaning of the tail shows the fear and anxiety are ruling on the mood of the dog.

Another action is tail shaking, which shows the skills of the dog. The puppies at their learning stage recognize and interpret the communication styles and postures. Their mom teaches them tail talk.
The tail gets handy when the dogs want to swim or is swimming. Usually, the dogs use their tails to navigate in the water.

As mentioned earlier, the tail plays a significant part in the extension of the spine. Thus, it makes the tail flexible. It is because the dog tail has different kinds of muscles, discs, and anchors. It has protective muscles also, as it is the part of sine which is exposed and active, which increases the chances of injury.

The dog tail also called the hair of the dog’. In ancient times the doctors made a drug to get rid of rabies from the hair of dog tail.



Tails are an essential part of the dog’s body structure. As it has several benefits which play a crucial role in the life of the living being. Imagine if the locomotory and balancing parts of the living creature damaged or removed from them. They will only remain a piece of flesh. Just like every human being, they have a different language of communicating with their fellows and masters.

A dogs tail can showcase his inner world, you can notice the facts and its actions while spending time with your beloved pet. Through continuous practice, you will be able to understand your pet needs and feelings.