Cat Adoption, Cat Behavior, Cat Questions, Cat Training, Cats

5 Steps: How To Introduce A Kitten To A Cat?


The cats are, generally, soft natured animals who love to socialize with the people, and other cats around them. Only when they are nervous, they express aggressive behavior.

Another reason may be they are new to surroundings, and in the process acquainting themselves with it, they express anxiety. Unfortunately, kittens are separated before they get initial training from their mom as to how they should behave properly.

In such a case, to introduce the kitten to an adult cat is a Herculean task. As a caretaker, you should first understand that introduction of a kitten to an adult cat can take a lot of time. Introducing your kitten to its fellow beings is vital for developing and maintaining a healthy relationship between feline pals.

There are five beautiful steps which can help you to achieve this task with ease to maintain tranquility in your house.


1. Keep your new kitty in a separate room:

You will have a room which your pet cat doesn’t use. Keep the new kitten in a bedroom, preferably, to make it feel comfortable for some time. Place all her toys, the litter box which she is supposed to use and food bowl in that room.

The cats are also possessive creatures which don’t want you to interact with other cats. It is not isolating the new kitty, but the initial stage of introducing your new kitty to your pet cat. If it is the room where you or your child use it often, it would be much better.

Let your new cat get used to the surroundings first. Slowly the new cat will understand the smell of your new kitty along with getting used to the fact that the new cat is not a threat to her existence. It will help you to ensure that the new cat doesn’t have any ailments you should attend.


2. Consult a veterinary:

Before you introduce the new kitty to the cat, take her to a vet for a thorough check-up. Let the vet examine her thoroughly to ensure she does not have any hidden ailments. The caretakers usually do this to avoid the resident cat also contracting diseases from the new cat.


3. Introduce new kitty’s scent to your pet:

Once you ensure the new kitty doesn’t have any ailments, take her out of the room, and allow her to roam freely throughout your house. Meanwhile, make your old kitty to the new cat’s place to get her introduced to the smell of the kitten.

Before that, use clean and new cloth to wipe the new kitty’s face. Place in some conspicuous part of her room. Allow the resident kitty to smell the scent of a new kitty. It is an excellent way to introduce the cat to your pet kitty.


4. Arrange for face to face meeting:

The next step is to arrange for a face to face meeting of your kitty. Allow your resident cat to go into the safe room once she is acquainted with the smell of the new cat. Why don’t you make a carrier, place your new kitty inside, and bring her into the house?

The main aim is to avoid conflict between the cats. So, introduce the two feline friends, slowly, which would help to develop harmony and peace in the house.


5. Give time to your kitties:

The cats are intelligent creatures. But, sometimes to introduce one cat to another can take a long time. Try adding one kitty to another. If it doesn’t work out, give both of them sometimes.

When you introduce the new kitty to the new one, and they exhibit aggressive behavior, try the same steps again. Keep your new kitty in a safe room and give them some more time to get along well with each other.

Try to supervise your kitties until they become friends and get along well with each other. It would help you to avoid unnecessary fights between the cats and to maintain peace at home. When you try to bring the new kitty out of her room, carry her in your arms and check your old kitty’s reaction. When you find no response from the old kitty, allow both of them to interact with each other for some time.


There are certain things we have to keep in mind before attempting to introduce the kitties to each other.


1. Have logical solutions:

Just like when you set up goals, you have to fix goals that you can achieve. Because it would be entirely unrealistic to expect high results in a day. So, give reasonable time for everything. Keep patience. If both the kitties are staying peacefully, you can easily control the situation.


2. A Cat’s ability to socialize:

The cats are very social animals who would love to maintain a relationship with like beings. As long as there is no hard competition for food and other things, they won’t reject the companionship of other cats. This fact makes it simple for you to introduce a new cat, easily.


3. Consider the number and age of your resident cat:

If you have had only one pet for a long time, it is challenging for you to introduce a new cat to your old kitty. If you have a cat who doesn’t like a companion, try not to have one more kitty in your house. Another thing is, try not to have more than 2 or 3 cats. That is not advisable for you as well as your cats.



In short, adding a new cat to your resident cat is not an easy task. It requires patient efforts to introduce a new kitten to your adult cat. Initially, place your new kitty in a closed room and allow it to explore the surrounding.

Let the introduction of both the cats happen slowly. If your cat is resistant to get introduced to the new cat, give them some more time. Understand the behavioral traits of your cat, and set up realistic expectations on your kitty. If things don’t happen fast, give some time to your cats. They will get adjusted soon.

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