
Cats always use both non-verbal and verbal communication to convey messages to its owner. A good example being cats blinking. A cat can pass a message to its owner with a slow blink. But first, let’s get into details about the slow cat blink.


Cats Slow Blink

Generally, cats often blink to spread tears over-its eyes surface to remove dirt or debris. For instance, this action is quick. It isn’t the same as their slow blink. There is a significant difference between the cats’ regular blink and its slow blink.

To note the difference, observe your feline friend body language starting from its ears to tail. Your cat’s body should read-as composed since a cat’s slow blink comes typically when they feel more comfortable.

According to a certified Cat-Behavior Consultant-at Feline Minds, Dr. Mikel Delgado; a cats’ slow blink entails relaxed eyes which shows that your feline friend isn’t worried. In addition, he further stated that cat owners should look at their cat’s pupils while they slow blink. Often, their pupils dilate in response to light. However, they also happen to enlarge if your cat is anxious.

Henceforth, depending on the lighting, a normal cat-slow blink should include normal pupils thus; the slow blink is a show that your cat is sharing an unequivocal message with you. It is true that a cat blinks, but there is a lot into this feline exercise.


What Does Cat Slow Blink Mean?

You may assume that when your feline friend slow blinks then, it is sleepy. It might be true. However, according to cat behavioral experts, a cat uses this gesture to communicate. Your cat may use it to mean it is happy, relaxed and content, more like a kitty kiss.

Therefore, your feline friend may use slow eye blink to;

  • Let their kitty friend know that everything is in order; calm and cool hence no need for fights.
  • Big cats use a slow blink to communicate love and relaxation
  • To show that he or she is relaxed and happy
  • Cats can also blink to inform its current state of contentment
  • Also known as “I Love you blink.” it is a way in which your cat share its affection with you
  • The Cats slow Blink is also a way in which cats greet their feline kitty friends known as cat kisses.

However, if your feline friend continuously keeps holding on eye thus in a squinting position such that, even when it isn’t in a relaxed state. Including rubbing her eyes, if there is abnormal-drainage coming from either one or both eyes. Consider taking her to the Veterinarian immediately. Your hairy friend may have an eye-injury or even infection.


The Theory Behind Cat Eye Anatomy

When a cat blinks, rarely does its upper and lower lids meet completely. Hence, the cat’s blinking is often referred to as “Squinting.” Therefore, squinting is a particular way that your feline friend uses to keep her eyes protected. Unlike humans, your cat’s eyelids will only close automatically if something is about to strike its face.

Cats, unlike humans, do not only have two upper and lower eyelids. They also have additional third-eyelid which is scientifically known as the nictitating membrane. It often moves diagonally but across your cat’s eye thus, starting from its inner corner.

Cat’s Nictitating membrane very thin and can move very rapidly, much faster than the other two-eyelids. Actually, your cat may be squinting using hid upper and lower-eyelids as its nictitating membrane moves, but since it often moves so fast, you’re most likely to miss it.


How do Cat’s Eyelids Operate / Works?

Cats’ eyelids work differently as compared to humans. Cats use their eyelids for multiple purposes. It’s important also to know that unlike humans, cats don’t blink their eyelids to clear tears away. These tears tend to evaporate so quickly just after cleaning debris from its eyes.

The third eyelid plays a particular role in helping your cat move tears across or over the surface of its eye. It helps to remove debris. Cats also can see their third eyelid when hunting. It is an advantage to your cats, and this can explain why cats can move much faster when hunting prey.

They also use their eyelids to communicate When a cat eye squint which is a common cat-behaviors, it’s a kitty kiss, and the slow blinking means that they are content regardless of whether they are with you, alone or with other cats.

Apart from blinking, your cat can also give a prolonged unblinking stare to show intimidation gestures which often signifies dominance especially when it’s around or close to other cats. Aggressive cats often use this strategy but a long-distance stare to control access they consider their territory.

To conclude, your feline friend tends to use its eyes to demonstrate or instead hide their emotions. Hence, a slit-eyed look indicates merely your cat’s strong feelings may be for fear or aggression. Also, squinting protects your cat’s eyes from potential-claws of an opponent.


What Does Eye Blink Kitty Kisses Mean?

A cat with wide-open eyes indicates curiosity, friendliness or playfulness typically. This can be seen on a kitten that has not yet known what fear is. Cat eye blink is also another way in which non-aggressive cats use to signal that, their intentions aren’t hostile.

Often, cats blink at each other and the people they love thus, with a slow-eye blink known as cat kiss. To sum-it-up, kitties use this non-threat signal to smooth their relationships and maintain good-social interactions with other cats.


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It is true that cats blink. But in the actual sense, this behavioral character is considered as squinting. Rarely do your cat’s two eyelids; the lower and upper eyelid entirely comes together. But the third inner eyelid is also known as Nictitating membrane often blink so quickly that you can see. It always moves so fast to clear out any dirt in your cat’s eyes.

Also, “Cat Blink “helps significantly to protect the cat’s eyes from potential-claws of the opponents. We can say that since cats are known to go hunting. Let’s say in the long grass or bushes. The third eyelids were created purposefully for this reason since cat eyes squint immediately when faced with greens or detect anything on the cat’s eye. It helps clear out any debris in your cat’s eyes making it have clear eyesight for perfect hunting.