Browsing Category:Cats

Cat Health, Cat Questions, Cats

Why Do Cats Get Worms?

At some point in life, all the cats get worms in their intestines. Cats might be good in self-grooming and maintenance, but even they can’t prevent some diseases and health issues. The same thing can be said for the worms. The problem is found inside her, and thus you won’t be able to identify the issue right away. If you take your cat to a vet for regular checkups,...
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Cat Adoption, Cat Behavior, Cat Questions, Cats

Are Cats Good Pets?

According to Animal Planet pet expert Andrea Arden, cats rarely get the credit they deserve. While it’s true that cats are quite aloof and independent, it doesn’t mean that they cannot blend well and have fun with the family.In fact, cats are lovely creatures. Even though it’s true that they are often engrossed in own world, they are capable of forming strong bonds with their owners.Like all creatures, cats...
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Cat Adoption, Cat Health, Cat Questions, Cats

Why Do Cats Need Shots?

Many cat owners know that adding a cat to the family can change a person’s life. They have a lot to offer families such as love and loyalty. Having a pet cat teaches a child to be a compassionate and responsible human being.As pet owners, we always want to see our beloved pets cheerful and full of energy. We do our best to provide what they need. Besides this,...
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Cat Health, Cat Questions, Cats

Are Cat Ear Mites Contagious?

This question might be bothering you a little bit. Well if you have noticed something unusual into your cat’s ears while scratching, then you have already come around with a mite that you don’t know about. So, first, we will discover what exactly a mite is and learn whether the cat ear mites are contagious or not. Then we will find a way to treat the cats to free...
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Cat Behavior, Cat Questions, Cats

Are Cats Self Aware?

Did you ever saw your cat looking in a mirror and gazing upon herself? Do you think that cats are self-aware?Most of the people will answer no. Humans always look in the mirror to admire themselves, but that's only a human thing. Cats don't do such kind of a thing. But it is still a fascinating question and how can we come to a conclusion without even analyzing the...
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Cat Behavior, Cat Questions, Cats

When Cats Attack? All You Need to Know

Cats are cute, but they can be one of the most dangerous pets. As we all know they belong to a predator family and it is, in fact, their primary behaviors to attack humans in the first place. But with time, cats have grown soft, and they have become the most popular pets. However, their domestication didn’t really change their behavior. They still attack the people around them. But...
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Cat Health, Cat Questions, Cats

Why Cat With Blood in Urine?

We all love our pets dearly. When they get sick, it is the most devastating situation. The Cat people love their cats as if it is their kids and hence a small abnormality raises concern in the cat owners. Even a tiny cut is so disturbing, but when a cat has blood in its urine, it means that your cat is going through some health issues. So, if you...
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