Browsing Category:Cats

Cat Behavior, Cat Health, Cat Questions, Cats

What Causes Cat Seizures?

Pets have become a dearly loved part of our families, very much like children. Consequently, ice-cold fear can grip our hearts when medical problems threaten their lives.Of all the many symptoms that can occur, some are especially alarming such as the jerking movements and weird vocalizations of a seizure.The veterinarian community classifies such symptoms under the heading of epilepsy if they continue to occur periodically. If a cat has...
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Cat Behavior, Cat Questions, Cats

How Do Cats Keep Snakes Away?

Why do humans adopt cats? Cats are said to be domesticated animals, initially adopted by our ancestors. However, historians are not quite sure why cats were domesticated. It seems that cats came into close contact with humans because of food. However, when our ancestors realized that cats and dogs can keep away rodents, insects, and snakes away, they decided to adopt them as pets. Keeping away rodents is understandable,...
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Cat Behavior, Cat Health, Cat Questions, Cats

How Do Cats Mate

As the weather grows warm, the days become longer, and the food is abundant. The female cats come to call or into heat. This behavior may be mistaken as illness of the urinary tract, back injury or a behavioral problem. But the fact is that your cat has come into sexual maturity and is in estrus. Most female cats mature between 5 - 12 months. The estrus lasts for...
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Cat Foods, Cat Health, Cat Questions, Cats

Can Cats Eat Popcorn?

Domestic cats are used to eating many kinds of homemade food, in addition to croquettes. But this does not mean that everything they eat is healthy as some things can make them sick. You might have seen your cat eating popcorns that fell to the floor while you´re watching a movie.Your cat can eat one or more popcorn, and you might not realize it, but there are some things...
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Cat Breeds, Cat Questions, Cats

What Cats Are Hypoallergenic?

Cats are one of the most common and most loved family pets. Some scientists and old superstition believers still say there is no such thing as hypoallergenic cats. They argue that it is basically a hoax to increase antibiotic sales.But some studies prove that there are a few breeds of cats with different genetics that will not cause an allergic reaction. So what cats are hypoallergenic? Let’s see what...
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Cat Foods, Cat Health, Cat Questions, Cats

Can Cats Eat Eggs?

Well the question in itself is very peculiar in nature, I was amazed to know how important it was. Still, the question really does matter to a lot of the pet lovers who want to make sure their cats get the right kind of food. Since eggs aren’t the most popular food choice especially when it comes to pets, the question arises, can cats eat eggs? What Actually Is The...
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Cat Adoption, Cat Behavior, Cat Questions, Cats

Do Cats Have Feelings?

Humans are so curious to know that they want to know every aspect of this world in detail. The same thing applies to understand whether the Felines have feelings or not? It is a common question, and if you ask this to any cat owner, they will surely scream a big YES. Of course, the Cats have feelings; they are living beings too. The cats might be famous for...
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Cat Behavior, Cat Questions, Cats

Are Cats Loyal?

When it comes to loyalty in pets, the dog is the only animal which occurs in the mind of every person. Worldwide, millions of people believe that dogs are more loyal as compared to cats. Even, most of the people prefer to have a dog as a pet rather than a cat.However, is it true that cats are not loyal? Or it is people believe?Thus, in today’s article, you...
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Cat Foods, Cat Health, Cat Questions, Cats

Can Cats Eat Grapes?

Snack time is no longer a relaxing break when you have a pet in the household, and no one knows this more than cat owners. Every time we take our eyes off of our snack for even one second, it seems like a cat paw appears as though out of thin air. We don’t mind sharing our food with our fluffy companions, but these sneak attacks can be potentially...
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