Cat Behavior, Cat Questions, Cats

When Cats Attack? All You Need to Know


Cats are cute, but they can be one of the most dangerous pets. As we all know they belong to a predator family and it is, in fact, their primary behaviors to attack humans in the first place. But with time, cats have grown soft, and they have become the most popular pets. However, their domestication didn’t really change their behavior. They still attack the people around them. But you might be interested to find out why and when cats attack other people. Well, here you will find answers to all those questions that intimidate you.


How Often Do Cats Attack?

People think that Cats are just cute and they don’t harm anything. But they can scratch your face so hard that your skin might peel off. But relax, don’t worry, it is not that common. Cats are domesticated, and people think that they won’t attack irrespective of their behavior. But that just makes Cats more dangerous. Even dogs exhibit the same nature. They both emit aggressive behavior unexpectedly, and ultimately this results in injury.


Why Cats Attack?

The causes of cat’s aggression are not precise and highly dependent upon the environment. It can be a medical problem or just a mood swing, but the sure thing is that they can severely damage the household things and can even bite you. So, you have to be cautious even if your cat seems normal. So, first understand the behavior of cats to know when and why they attack people.


Being in Unrelated Stimulation

It is usually the cat’s owner that becomes the victim of their pet’s cruelty. If your cat is put in an unrelated stimulation or she is aroused by something, and you interrupt it then she will experience a phenomenon called Redirected Aggression. She can also attack if she is being in a situation like she saw a prey outside. Sometimes she can stay irritated for hours long and can still attack you. So, if your cat is alone and ignoring everything, you better ignore her, or you will be left with a scar on your face.



Fear is one of the primary causes of aggression. Whenever animals and humans are afraid, they attack the things what comes in front. The same thing applies to cats; the aggression is merely a defensive behavior of cats. If the cat thinks that you have something that would harm her, and she can’t back out or run from the situation, then she attacks you in defense. That’s why you would see your cat in anger whenever you visit a doctor.


Pain and Discomfort

This might be another reason why cats attack. Pain also triggers aggressive behavior. You will notice this kind of action if you step on their tail or you tap her while she is in pain. As a result, she will scream, run, or attack you. If your cat often strikes you when you touch her, then she could be suffering from an injury and needs a vet’s assistance. And the worst thing is that pain will also induce fear in them.


When your cat attacks?

Just by observing your cat you will learn many things about them. She expresses her emotions in certain ways and understanding them isn’t that difficult. Paying attention to their habits, you will discover many things regarding how to deal with them when they are aggressive. Once a cat got away with her aggression, she will make it an ultimate tool to fulfill her wishes.


Get Free from Someone’s Hands

Cats are the animals that are highly intelligent and learn from surroundings. So, she develops a liking and disliking for the people around her according to their behavior. And that’s why if someone she dislikes holds her, she bites their hands to get free. She can also scratch or scream to be released from someone’s arms.


To Catch Prey

If you disturb your cat while they are hunting for prey or playing with some other animal’s and you disturb them in between, then she will surely attack you. The offensive reaction of the cats can be noticed from their body language. And moreover, you must remember that giving your hands and finger to the cats to play must be avoided.


When Cats have Intolerance for Petting

Some cats are not friendly in nature. But they are so cute that every human loves petting them. But some cats don’t like when someone rubs their belly, head, or neck and tends to get angry every now and then. Patting your cat for few seconds is perfectly fine, but keeping them to yourself forcibly just to pet them will irritate them, and she will attack you to get rid of the bonds. So, if your cat avoids some particular area where you pet them and runs away, let her be otherwise she will bite you.


To Defend Her Kittens

The main reason the cat’s attacks humans are to protect her babies from potential dangers. Many people love kittens and love even more to pet them. So, when you try touching her kittens, she will most probably try to avoid the physical contact to defend her kittens. The kitten can’t run away from the dangers, so, it is a mother’s duty to protect them from any intrusion of her privacy.


How to Prevent Cats from Attacking Humans?

As cats suffer from behavioral abnormalities, it is hard to prevent them from attacking humans. But if they are contented with everything they have, and no one disturbs them unexpectedly, then she will most probably avoid such kind of behavior. Give her love, attention, privacy, and she will stay loyal to you.



Now, you know that attacking humans is not that much of a big deal for cats. It is in their basic instincts. But even their basic abilities can be changed if humans don’t get over-involved in their lives. So, learn as much as you can about cats if you own one. Only that way you will be able to protect yourself from their random attacks.


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