Browsing Tag:Training

Dog Adoption, Dog Behavior, Dog Questions, Dog Training, Dogs

5 Effective Ways: How To Keep Dogs Out Of Flower Beds

Don’t you just hate it when your dog starts digging your prized flower bed, damaging your precious plants and making a mess that is likely going to take you hours repair? Luckily for you, this is a problem that most dog owners with a garden face and some simple but useful tips can help you address this problem for good. In this article, we are going to be looking...
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Cat Adoption, Cat Behavior, Cat Questions, Cat Training, Cats

9 Effective Ways To Keep Cats From Scratching Furniture

Having a cat is a beautiful gift. After a long and troublesome day, you come back home to see your precious little guy. Only, they scratched up the entire couch!That’s not good. Maybe, the guests are visiting over the weekend. So, the house should not resemble a ferocious beast sneaking into the house.Cats only rip up the furniture on instinct. It's because they don’t understand that this act annoys...
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Cat Adoption, Cat Behavior, Cat Questions, Cat Training, Cats

9 Effective Ways: How to Keep Cats Out of Houseplants

Yay, a new member of the family is coming home! No, not that type of new family member. This new member has green leaves and colorful flowers. The happy new owner is so excited to have a plant to decorate their home. Above all, the only downside is, this new member doesn’t last long.Cats love to destroy houseplants. The feline instinct enjoys chewing green leaves or knocking the whole...
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Dog Adoption, Dog Behavior, Dog Health, Dog Questions, Dog Training, Dogs

3 Fun Facts: Why Do Dogs Like Sticks So Much?

Usually, babies have an innate tendency to understand their surroundings. In this process, even a speck of small dust goes its way all along the baby's mouth, if we leave them unnoticed.Similarly, puppies would be very curious to know what is happening in the new world, in the new surroundings. In this process, a puppy puts sticks into his mouth. Some pet owners have complained their things went vanishing...
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Cat Adoption, Cat Behavior, Cat Health, Cat Questions, Cat Training, Cats

6 Fun Facts: Why Do Cats Like String So Much

The cats like to dabble with strings, ribbons, threads, of course, your kids' shoelaces. They are the source of their ultimate happiness. If you give your kitty with yarn, she will love it!These things lift their spirits because they like to creep or flail upon these objects. It is due to the instinct to punch and attack their prey. 1. Ancestry of CatsThese feline pets are calm by nature. But,...
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Dog Adoption, Dog Behavior, Dog Foods, Dog Health, Dog Questions, Dog Training, Dogs

Why Do Dogs Eat Paper?

Have you watched your dog nibbling some non-food items like paper along with the kibble you feed him? If yes, rush to a vet. The dogs happen to bite and chew paper because of a disease called Pica. When these fluffy creatures get Pica, they tend to eat paper, wood, sticks, cardboard boxes, etc.It is a psychological disorder found in dogs that compel them to chew down non-food items....
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Dog Adoption, Dog Behavior, Dog Foods, Dog Health, Dog Questions, Dog Training, Dogs

4 Reasons: Why Do Dogs Eat Rocks?

Have you watched your canine pet closely? You would have wondered why do dogs eat rocks. The rocks don't have any distinctive taste or nutritional value. Perhaps, their natural aroma may attract these puppies prompting them to taste them.Do you know that eating rocks can turn dangerous for your puppies? The sharp edge of the pebbles may tear the puppy's tender skin. If the rock finds its way in,...
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Dog Adoption, Dog Behavior, Dog Health, Dog Questions, Dog Training, Dogs

8 Reasons: Why Do Dogs Howl At Sirens

When people take their doggie out for a walk, they often hear their doggie howling at sirens, when an ambulance passed by. By then, they keep pondering over the reason why do dogs howl at sirens?It looks like our pets are afraid of the sound. Usually, ambulance siren releases high-frequency sound waves that are high pitched, loud enough to frighten our doggie.But, is it their instinct to howl? Or...
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Cat Accessories, Cat Adoption, Cat Behavior, Cat Questions, Cat Training, Cats

5 Fun Facts: Why Do Cats Like Boxes So Much

Have you seen your feline friend confining herself to a cardboard box or enclosed spaces? What could be the probable or most likely reason for that? One of the possible reasons is the innate behavior which they have retained in them. It is the inherent tendency of the cats to play with boxes.During the ancient times, these animals lived in the forest, and they badly needed a closed space...
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Dog Adoption, Dog Behavior, Dog Questions, Dog Training, Dogs

6 Reasons Why Do Dogs Sit or Lay On Your Feet?

Does your dog often sit or lay on your feet, and you are wondering why your dog does that? Dogs communicate through different means, and one of those means is sitting or lying on someone’s feet.Dogs don’t sit or lay on your feet without reason. It is either they are trying to show affection, or they are seeking to stamp their authority over other dogs or animals or may...
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