Browsing Category:Dogs

Dog Breeds, Dog Health, Dog Questions, Dogs

17 Dog Breeds With Black Tongues

Dogs are beautiful fluffy, affectionate and friendly animals that we generally describe as man's best friend. They give us a love and help us relieve stress. Dogs come in unique shapes, furs and size. Indeed, they top the list of animals humans mostly keep as pets. Many pet owners love these canine companions because of their amazingly friendly nature. Black tongues are common in dogs, and there are many...
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Dog Behavior, Dog Breeds, Dog Questions, Dog Training, Dogs

What Dogs Do Police Use?

Dogs have been the most loyal companions to man for ages. As you probably already know, dogs have closer relationships to man than any other animals. In our family homes, they are pets to the average citizen. However, to the police force, they are known as "K-9." Here, they are explicitly trained to assist law enforcement agencies to successfully perform duties such as sniffing out a criminal from their...
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Dog Breeds, Dog Questions, Dogs

Which Dogs Have Curly Tails?

The relationship between man and animals is a very peculiar one. It is one of the ancient forms of interaction between different species. Mankind interacts with different animals all the time, but only one animal stands out as man’s best friend. In case you haven’t understood what I’m talking about… I’m talking about dogs. There are too many dog breeds out there, and today we’ll look at curly-tailed ones....
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Dog Foods, Dog Health, Dog Questions, Dogs

Can Dogs Drink Milk?

Everyone sees Cat drinking milk like it is their favorite thing in the entire world. But the same can’t be said for their four-legged counterpart mates. The answer to the question can Dogs drink milk is the highly doubtful case. Many dogs don’t have any problem while drinking cow’s or goat’s milk but some of them have a negative impact on drinking milk.Many Dog owners have found this situation...
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Dog Foods, Dog Health, Dog Questions, Dogs

Are Dog Bones Safe?

In bygone days, dog owners didn’t think twice while giving bones to their dogs. Today, emotional attachment between dogs and their owners is stronger. Dog owners are very conscious about their dog’s diet.Is it safe to offer bones to dogs? Is it healthy for dogs to feed bones? What bones are safe for dogs? These all are trending searched topics on the Google.Here, dog’s owners will get to know...
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Dog Adoption, Dog Behavior, Dog Breeds, Dog Training, Dogs

What Dog Breeds Are Good with Cats?

According to recent studies, pets have become an integral part of our household that approximately 57% of the global population are either dog or cat lovers. Needless to say, almost every individual in this world, at one point in their lives, has lived with and loved a cat or dog.But what happens if we or members of our family love both? Can dogs and cats both live, co-exist peacefully?...
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Dog Foods, Dog Health, Dog Product Reviews, Dogs

8 Best Dog Dewormers Reviews and Buying Guide 2019

Most people have the belief that since their indoor dogs are eating clean and healthy foods, they will not contract worms and other parasites that attack dogs. Unfortunately, dogs often contract worms. If not treated, they can make your dog’s health deteriorate. And while these uncanny parasites can cause complications for your canine companion, most are very easy to treat. You just need the best dog dewormer to clear...
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Dog Behavior, Dog Health, Dog Questions, Dogs

Are Dogs Born With Teeth?

Dogs are considered the most domesticated and emotionally connected animals to humans since they develop relationships similar to the human parent-child relationship. The foundation of this affection starts typically in the neonatal stage (0 to 2 weeks), where baby puppies are most vulnerable. Similar to a human baby, puppies are devoid of specific structures and capabilities, a cause for curiosity. One of the critical fragility features that many canine...
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Dog Adoption, Dog Health, Dog Questions, Dogs

How Do Dogs Get Worms?

Health problems occur in every living being on earth and dogs are no different. Dogs suffer from a range of health issues, just like us. And one serious health problem a dog can encounter is worms. The worms dogs can cause grave matters to their health and transmit to humans as well.Dogs suffer from some severe types of worms like roundworm, ringworm, tapeworm, heartworm, and hookworm. It is essential...
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