Browsing Category:Dogs

Dog Behavior, Dog Health, Dog Questions, Dogs

Why Do Dogs Cough?

It is no wonder we love our pets to death. Both dogs and cats provide us with comfort, companionship, and cuddles throughout their whole life. So it would be a shame to see them suffering from any kind of health issue. However, problems like coughing are pretty common among the dogs. The reasons behind their coughing can be varying in nature. You need to know about them to be...
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Dog Health, Dog Questions, Dogs

How Clean Is A Dog’s Mouth?

If you get slobbery kisses and licks from your favorite canine, you’re not alone. Dogs love to show affection to their owners.Yet it raises the question; is dog's mouth clean? The topic is polarizing. Many insist a dog’s mouth is not clean. Others believe it is cleaner than a human’s. Now, we get to the truth of the matter. Let’s talk about what goes on in your pooch’s chops. How...
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Dog Foods, Dog Health, Dog Questions, Dogs

Does Dog Food Go Bad?

Your dog is most probably your best friend, so you need to keep a proper check on what goes into its stomach. In the modern world, there are tons of ready-to-eat options that you can find very easily in stores. You might think that canned food can be used anytime since it is so well-prepared and well-preserved by pros. However, you need to know that that is not always...
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Dog Behavior, Dog Foods, Dog Questions, Dogs

Why Do Dogs Eat Cat Poop?

If you own both cats and dogs, you may have come home one day to find your dog face-first in the cat’s litter box, helping himself to a meal of cat feces. Gross? Absolutely. Unusual? Not really. Every dog owner will come across this bizarre behavior, especially if his or her furry pets are sharing the same space. Let’s take a look at why dogs eat cat poop, and...
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Dog Accessories, Dog Breeds, Dog Health, Dog Product Reviews, Dogs

3 Best Dog DNA Test Kits Reviews and Ultimate Guide 2019

If you love your dog, you will want to know everything about his body. This may sound weird to people who don't own a dog, but it is natural to be curious about your dog genetic and breed makeup. This is easy when it comes to purebred dogs, but when it comes to crossbreeds, it is hard to answer questions about their genetic background. In fact, in the past,...
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Dog Accessories, Dog Questions, Dog Training, Dogs

How To Make Dog Toys Out Of Rope

Fun interaction with our dogs allows them to burn off their excess energy. Otherwise, they can all channel it into erratic behavior. At the same time, dog owners spend a lot on toys since dogs can easily tear through most with aggressive chewing. The solution may be one of the most common DIY (Do It Yourself) props, a simple rope! Ropes are quite indestructible while offering low-cost room innovation....
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