Browsing Category:Dogs

Dog Health, Dog Questions, Dogs

What Color Can Dogs See?

The question 'do dogs see in color' has been making the rounds ever since that famous scene in Cats vs. Dogs. In this scene one of the dogs must disarm a bomb with different colored wires, the issue being that in the dog's vision the wires are just varying degrees of grey. However, this is not technically true.The myth that dogs cannot see in color was spread because of...
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Dog Accessories, Dog Adoption, Dog Grooming, Dog Health, Dog Product Reviews, Dogs

10 Best Dog Shampoos Reviews and Buyer Guide 2019

With plenty of option in the market, picking the best dog shampoo for your dog can be a daunting task if you are not aware of why you are buying shampoo for your pooch.To help you know how to choose the best shampoo for your dog, we have included this guide to assist in making an informed purchase decision.There are a couple of common skin conditions that affect dogs,...
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Dog Behavior, Dog Grooming, Dogs

5 Tips to Make Dog Grooming Enjoyable

Dog grooming is essential. It not only keeps your dog looking at its best but also helps the two of you bond. Scientific evidence shows that grooming your dog is a perfect way of reducing stress. Regular grooming helps to keep your dog's skin and coat healthy. It also gives you an opportunity to check your dog's general health.If your dog does not enjoy being groomed, here are 5...
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Dog Adoption, Dog Behavior, Dog Grooming, Dog Health, Dog Questions, Dog Training, Dogs

10 Tips for Adopting Dogs

Compliments on your decision adopting dogs. You are not only in for a rewarding and enriching experience, but are doing a commendable thing for mother nature. Do you feel overwhelmed by the task ahead of you? Worry not, these ten tips will help you prepare for your new furry-buddy and make him feel comfortable and appreciated. The important thing is How to Adopting Dogs to be your family member. 1....
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Dog Accessories, Dog Adoption, Dog Behavior, Dog Foods, Dog Grooming, Dog Health, Dog Questions, Dogs

Essential Steps for Dog Adoption

Compliments on your decision for dog adoption. You are up for an enriching and rewarding relationship. But first, you want to ensure that there is a smooth transition for both your family and its newest addition.These steps will highlight what you should do before, during and after adoption to ensure that the new arrangement is favorable for everyone. 1. Bring Family Members On BoardYour new pooch will affect many aspects...
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Dog Adoption, Dog Grooming, Dog Health, Dogs

All You Need to Know About Bathing A Dog

Bathing plays a vital role in the health of your dog's skin and skin. Cleaning your dog keeps it free from dirt and parasites. Today, veterinary dermatologists recommend bathing your dog once a week. Forget the old idea that bathing removes the oils from the coat and should be done every six months or even less.Recent research done by veterinaries shows that there are many benefits of bathing dogs...
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Dog Adoption, Dog Behavior, Dog Questions, Dog Training, Dogs

12 Tips to Build Your Dog Confidence

There's nothing happier than a happy dog. Most people would agree that to be satisfied a dog needs to have confidence and independent. It's also true that there are many dogs that, for one reason or another, cling to their owners. They may be anxious or fearful at times. You can teach your dog to be independent, but it does take some effort on your part.A dog is said...
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Dog Adoption, Dog Behavior, Dog Health, Dog Training, Dogs

8 Ways to Exercise Your Dog Indoors

Most dogs and puppies need a healthy dose of exercises every day. The challenge is, often the weather outside doesn’t allow you to conduct your usual dog walks or out plays. Depending on where you live, it could be rainstorms, frigid temperatures, heat waves- or all together. So, know more about how to exercise your dog indoors is really important.This kind of weather can make exercising your dog outside...
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