Browsing Category:Dog Questions

Dog Accessories, Dog Questions, Dog Training, Dogs

How To Make Dog Toys Out Of Rope

Fun interaction with our dogs allows them to burn off their excess energy. Otherwise, they can all channel it into erratic behavior. At the same time, dog owners spend a lot on toys since dogs can easily tear through most with aggressive chewing. The solution may be one of the most common DIY (Do It Yourself) props, a simple rope! Ropes are quite indestructible while offering low-cost room innovation....
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Dog Adoption, Dog Questions, Dogs

Are Dogs Allowed On Amtrak?

To aid simplicity, the answer to the question of, are dogs allowed on Amtrak? Is, yes they are. But as with many things in life, this answer is not the whole story. Traditionally, dogs have not been welcomed for travel on Amtrak trains.But if a dog is now allowed to be transported by train across mainland U.S.A, what’s changed? Have Amtrak had an epiphany, or have other forces been...
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Dog Adoption, Dog Behavior, Dog Health, Dog Questions, Dogs

How Do Dogs Mate?

Mating is an essential part of keeping the species going, be it animal, insect, or human. Dogs are no exception; the urge to mate is a natural one. However, young dogs new to mating or breeding will sometimes have a hard time figuring out how to get it right. So, How Do Dogs Mate?Overall, how dogs mate is a complex and interesting process that, while similar in part to how...
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Dog Foods, Dog Health, Dog Questions, Dogs

Can Dogs Eat Blueberries?

Blueberries are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and fibers. They also contain phytochemicals (naturally occurring chemical compounds found in plants). Basically, blueberries contain many health benefits to both human and animals.The most notable of such benefits is fighting free radicals that cause cell damage and aging. According to research, blueberries contain 90% carbohydrates as well as 5%, fats, and 4% protein. Can dogs eat blueberries? The answer is YES....
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Dog Foods, Dog Health, Dog Questions, Dogs

Can Dogs Eat Watermelon?

As the name implies, WATER-melon means a fruit belonging to the melon family but high in water content. The fruit is delicious and full of water and rich in some essential vitamins and minerals. It is indeed one of the most popular hydrating fruits.Watermelon supplies water to increase and cool the body temperature, especially during the hot summer. According to research, the fruit is low in calories and fiber....
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Dog Foods, Dog Health, Dog Questions, Dogs

Can Dogs Eat Avocado?

It is often complicated to keep track of safe and unsafe foods for your dog. Plus, it’s hard to ignore your dog when he’s pawing at your knee, begging for a bite of your food. If you’ve ever thought, “Well, a small bite can’t hurt,” and then immediately panicked after sharing, you’re not alone. So, can dogs eat avocado? Is that avocado bacon sandwich safe to share? Or should...
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Dog Foods, Dog Health, Dog Questions, Dogs

Can Dogs Eat Grapes?

Grapes are small types of fruits that grow in clusters. These fruits have for long been known and used for food, drinks, and varieties of health solutions. They are high in potassium as well as vitamins K and other vitamins and have also been confirmed as ideal for preventing and curing cancer.With much of the valuable benefits grapes offer man, can dogs also share in these benefits? Or simply...
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