Browsing Category:Dog Questions

Dog Behavior, Dog Questions, Dogs

Is Your Dog Self-Aware?

Our canine pets are always around us. We take care of them like a responsible parent. Just like a child, we almost never want them to go out of sight. But do they know who or what they are? Are dogs self-aware?Many pet-owners often ponder over this question. We recently took an interest in this intriguing topic as well. After looking into the depth of this question, we have...
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Dog Breeds, Dog Questions, Dogs

What Dog Breeds Don’t Shed?

Dog shedding is a process where a dog naturally loses or flock-out some of his hair. Usually, all dogs do shed, except the hairless breeds traditionally referred to as hypoallergenic dogs. Changes in temperature; accompanying changes in season (winter, summer, spring, and fall) usually affect dog shedding a great deal. Dog shedding is sometimes referred to as “coat blowing.” "Dog breeds that don’t shed" are the dog breeds that...
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Dog Behavior, Dog Health, Dog Questions, Dogs

How Do Dogs See Color?

You see the world in a bright color but does your dog? Have you ever wondered how dogs see color? If only dogs could talk, they could describe things for us, but unfortunately, only research can ascertain the truth.The myth we’ve always believed is that dogs are color blind and see everything in just black or white. In recent years different research teams have been using experiments to test...
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Dog Foods, Dog Questions, Dogs

Is Dog Food Made Out of Horses?

Just reading that question out aloud in this day and age would bring horror to most people. However is it true? Let me say at the outset, that the statement today is false but wasn't before the 1940s in the USA. Unfortunately, back then horse meat was a staple ingredient for many brands of canned dog food. So much to the extent that dog food companies had their own...
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Dog Adoption, Dog Behavior, Dog Health, Dog Questions, Dogs

Will Dogs Eat Mothballs?

It is natural for pets to consume things beyond their usual diet as they play around. Dogs tend to put their noses everywhere so anything can end up in their mouth and digestive organs. Household items such as mothballs are unnatural but not uncommon for dogs to end up ingesting. Knowing the impacts of such situations is a must for every pet owner out there.Aside from the result of...
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Dog Adoption, Dog Behavior, Dog Questions, Dogs

When Do Dogs Stop Growing?

As we all know, a human being has a different period of time in the life including Infancy, Infantile period, Childhood, School age, Puberty, Early adulthood, Late adulthood and Geriatric period. These periods all mean a lot in our whole lifetime. And human will not stop growing in physical part until puberty. So, When Do Dogs Stop Growing?However, human's lifetime is kind of a long period of time than other...
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Dog Adoption, Dog Health, Dog Questions, Dogs

Are Dog Mites Contagious?

Pets are part of human life, animals like dogs, cats, horses, etc., are raised by people in their homes or farms. Despite many contagious health conditions that also affect humans caused by Mites, humans opt to pet an animal because of their unconditional love and affection, hard to find in a human today. How it all started?Human started hunting to survive. Gradually learned that two is a more significant number...
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Dog Behavior, Dog Foods, Dog Health, Dog Questions, Dogs

Is Cat Food Bad For Dogs?

Despite the common belief that cats and dogs are adversaries, they are actually perfect friends. Aside from sharing the same owners, they tend to share toys, playgrounds and even what they eat. It is especially interesting to note how dogs are highly interested in trying cat food every chance they get. They also like it more than the ones produced for their own consumption.Dogs are probably one of the...
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