Browsing Tag:Health

Dog Health, Dog Questions, Dogs

How Many Chromosomes Do Dogs Have?

Chromosomes are the underlying determining factor of a living being. It is like an instruction manual that decides how an organism should grow and have certain characteristic features. They are biological, homologous structures that are present in each living cell.Every living creature has a different set of chromosomes that distinguish one species to another. However, these chromosomes are two strands of DNA in the shape of an X that...
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Cat Adoption, Cat Foods, Cat Health, Cat Questions, Cats

6 Things About Can Cats Eat Cantaloupe

Is Cantaloupe toxic or non-toxic to cats? Cats have fragile stomachs, and that’s why giving wrong food can bring trouble for them easily. If you have a cat and want to introduce a new food, like cantaloupe, then it is always better to know about what are effects of the fresh food on your pet. So, Can Cats Eat Cantaloupe? Is Cantaloupe healthy for cats? Can cats eat Cantaloupe...
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Guinea Pig Behavior, Guinea Pig Health, Guinea Pig Questions, Guinea Pigs

How Long Do Guinea Pigs Live?

Many people love guinea pigs for their cute appearance and how easy it is to tend for them. They're gentle animals and are great pets for both children and adults without the high-maintenance. However, have you ever thought of how long they can live for? Many people ask me, "how long go guinea pigs live for?" before getting one as a pet before committing to it.This is a question...
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Dog Adoption, Dog Grooming, Dog Health, Dog Questions, Dogs

5 Tips: How to Get Rid of Fleas on Dogs

All of us love when the weather warms up because we can spend long hours outdoors, wear an outfit of own choice! But, there is something which we don't like about the summer season. That is the fleas on our pet. It is during the summer season; most doggies get a flea infection.These bloodsucking invaders breed on canine pets and can cause different kinds of health problems to them....
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Cat Behavior, Cat Grooming, Cat Health, Cat Questions, Cats

Why Do Cats Groom Each Other?

If you carefully watch your pet, you can see your cats having a lengthy grooming session. These feline creatures either fall into a deep slumber or groom their body to keep it glossy and tidy! They lick themselves or their fellow cats making loud slurping noises.It is a natural way to brush their furry coats to prevent fur balls or keep parasites at bay! It is interesting to look...
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Guinea Pig Behavior, Guinea Pig Health, Guinea Pig Questions, Guinea Pigs

5 Signs: How to Tell If a Guinea Pig Is Pregnant

Do you have a guinea pig and want to start breeding it? Or do you notice that she has different behaviors and seems like she's carrying a baby or two? You might already be seeing or looking for bumps to see if they're carrying babies!While pregnancy on guinea pigs can be telling, sometimes it's difficult to see if your guinea pig is pregnant or not! But not to worry,...
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