Browsing Tag:Adopting

Cat Adoption, Cat Behavior, Cat Questions, Cats

11 Reasons: Why Do Cats Wag Their Tails?

In contrast to how dogs wag their tails because they’re happy, a cat wagging its tail is the very opposite. Cats and dogs are different, let’s put that out there. A cat wagging her tail is not a sign of her being content, but due to other mixed emotions.Cats are very complex. Unless they have been injured, almost all cats wag their tails. Tail wagging is how cats communicate...
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Hamster Behavior, Hamster Health, Hamster Questions, Hamsters

9 Effective Ways: How To Keep Hamster Warm

During the winter time and even when the cold breeze is flowing, the hamsters can get cold quickly. When the hamsters live in a natural habitat, they go into the hibernation mode and don’t come out until they want food. This self-preservation habit is naturally built within the character of hamsters. And this might be the only habit that can keep them warm when they are living out in...
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Cat Adoption, Cat Behavior, Cat Questions, Cats

6 Reasons: Why Do Cats Chatter?

Have you ever queried what cats are doing when they’re standing by the window belting out in own strange cat language? If you look closely, there may be a bird, or a squirrel, or even a mouse right outside that window, and mocking them. But, if you are not familiar with that weird sound, then maybe cats are chattering.No, they’re not speaking in the way humans do. Cats make...
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Hamster Behavior, Hamster Health, Hamster Questions, Hamsters

How Many Babies Can A Hamster Have?

Do you want to know how many hamster babies can your hamster have? If yes, then continue reading this post as here you will get to know about hamster breeding, pregnancy, sexing, and babies.You may don’t know that hamsters reproduce at a surprising rate. They can produce litters as often as monthly. In fact, they can breed at their 3 weeks of age, and this means it is essential...
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Dog Adoption, Dog Behavior, Dog Questions, Dog Training, Dogs

5 Effective Ways: How To Keep Dogs Out Of Flower Beds

Don’t you just hate it when your dog starts digging your prized flower bed, damaging your precious plants and making a mess that is likely going to take you hours repair? Luckily for you, this is a problem that most dog owners with a garden face and some simple but useful tips can help you address this problem for good. In this article, we are going to be looking...
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Cat Adoption, Cat Behavior, Cat Health, Cat Questions, Cats

6 Effective Ways: How To Get Rid Of Tapeworms In Cats?

A sick pet is the absolute treacherous pain any cat owner can go through. Everything is done to make them feel better, but they’re still ill.Tapeworms are the worst illnesses for cats to contract. These tiny microscopic worms cause a lot of harm in your cat’s insides. A tapeworm's main job is to lodge themselves onto the walls of the cat’s intestine and stay there as far as they...
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Guinea Pig Behavior, Guinea Pig Health, Guinea Pig Questions, Guinea Pigs

4 Tips: How To Clip Guinea Pig Nails

Having small and adorable pets is like having live happiness in your home. But when it comes to grooming them, it can be tough especially when you have a guinea pig. Caring and grooming them is a very essential part of keeping your pets healthy. But do you know how to clip guinea pig nails? In case you don’t know how then you would obviously need some tips. So,...
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Cat Adoption, Cat Health, Cat Questions, Cats

10 Reasons: Why Do Cats Have Whiskers?

Do you ever question why do cats have those whiskers? Unlike how men can grow a beard and do what they want to stylize it, cat's whiskers are not for their fashion sense.Also called vibrissae or ‘tactile hair,’ whiskers are embedded into a cat’s body. A cat's whiskers are patterns that grow in a horizontal line along their muzzle, between the uppermost edges of the mouth and external edges...
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