Browsing Tag:Health

Cat Foods, Cat Health, Cat Questions, Cats

Can Cats Eat Cheese?

The domestic cat belongs to the cat species that, among others, include the cheetah, tiger, lion, leopard, and jaguar. Consequently, your feline friend is as carnivorous animals mentioned above. Like any other species, cats have a specific dietary requirement. And being obligate predatory animals, they cannot live without meat. So, here comes the question, can cats eat cheese? To answer this question, let me put forward another question.Have you...
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Cat Behavior, Cat Breeds, Cat Health, Cat Questions, Cats

What Do Cats Spray?

Spraying is the act of leaving pheromones to mark territory, as is common among wild and domestic animals. Male domestic cats and dogs also mark their spaces with urine pheromones. While it’s natural for your cat to spray on its territory, there could be health repercussions associated with it, thereby leading you to seek medical intervention.Therefore, it is essential to get rid of cat urine right away to prevent...
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Cat Foods, Cat Health, Cat Questions, Cats

Can Cats Eat Bananas?

Once you have a pet, they become an integral part of the family. And the same way the wellbeing of any other member of the family matters to you is the very way the welfare of your pet matters. Like a kid, you feed them daily and try your best to offer them food which is good for their health. Being a cat owner, I always used to wonder...
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Cat Behavior, Cat Health, Cat Questions, Cats

Do Cats Teeth?

Cats are carnivores, so their teeth are fashioned after their nature. Their teeth are set for hunting and killing prey. Also, cats don’t chew, so they use their teeth for shredding their food into swallow-able sizes.Just as humans, there are two sets of teeth in a cat’s life; the 26 primary or baby-teeth and 30 adult or permanent teeth. Cat teeth are made up of three parts; the pulp,...
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Dog Behavior, Dog Foods, Dog Questions, Dogs

Are Dogs Carnivores Or Omnivores?

Dogs, as man’s adopted, closest friends tend to have adapted themselves to many food types that their human parents offer to them. Most dogs are comfortable sharing the menu with their owners. Close studies have revealed that dogs eat almost the same types of food that man eats, with few exceptions. A man has successfully shared some vegetables, fruits, nuts, snacks, meat and other delicacies with their canine companions...
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Cat Foods, Cat Health, Cats, Dog Questions

Can Cats Eat Watermelon?

Being primarily meat-eaters, one must wonder whether cats can eat fruits. If you own a cat, you know how curious they are. They are fascinated by what their owners eat, and want to eat the same, unaware of the fact that it might be bad for them.Each cat is different and has different dietary requirements. Therefore, you must consult with your vet before you try feeding anything new to...
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Cat Foods, Cat Health, Cat Questions, Cats

Can Cats Eat Strawberries?

A common dilemma every cat owner faces is whether or not they can share their human food with their pet. Cats are naturally curious creatures, and they like to express that curiosity by stalking over whenever their human decides to eat something. If you’ve ever had your dinner interrupted by a furry paw, you know what we’re talking about. So, that pack of strawberries you’ve just opened is attracting...
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Dog Accessories, Dog Health, Dog Product Reviews, Dog Training, Dogs

6 Best Dog Boots Reviews and Ultimate Guide 2019

Many people think of dog boots as fashion accessories or luxurious things. However, these boots are much more about safety, convenience, and functionality. They not only make your pooch more adorable but also have other purposes.You can improve your canine companion’s life in many different ways by investing in the best dog boots. And as such, there are a lot of brands making dog boots, with others better suited...
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Dog Behavior, Dog Health, Dog Questions, Dogs

Why Do Dogs Cough?

It is no wonder we love our pets to death. Both dogs and cats provide us with comfort, companionship, and cuddles throughout their whole life. So it would be a shame to see them suffering from any kind of health issue. However, problems like coughing are pretty common among the dogs. The reasons behind their coughing can be varying in nature. You need to know about them to be...
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Dog Health, Dog Questions, Dogs

How Clean Is A Dog’s Mouth?

If you get slobbery kisses and licks from your favorite canine, you’re not alone. Dogs love to show affection to their owners.Yet it raises the question; is dog's mouth clean? The topic is polarizing. Many insist a dog’s mouth is not clean. Others believe it is cleaner than a human’s. Now, we get to the truth of the matter. Let’s talk about what goes on in your pooch’s chops. How...
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