Browsing Category:Cat Questions

Cat Foods, Cat Health, Cat Questions, Cats

Can Cats Eat Rice?

Rice is one of the staple foods for a vast majority of the world’s population. We use it in a variety of ways to create an even wider variety of dishes. Although very popular, rice has very little nutritional value.It contains carbohydrates and trace amounts of manganese, vitamin B and iron. Despite having low nutritional value, rice is still a favorite food of most people. But can the same...
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Cat Behavior, Cat Health, Cat Questions, Cats

How Do Cats See?

To many of us, cats are the evolutionary marvel of the animal kingdom with a remarkably keen sense of sight, smell and hearing. Domesticated and second to only dogs, some aspects of cats still mystify many. Aside from the myths about their feline nine lives, some still wonder how cats are so nocturnal or move in the dark.The Pandora’s Box of questions are many, but the most curious of...
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Cat Foods, Cat Health, Cat Questions, Cats

Can Cats Eat Chocolate?

Unlike your dog, your kitty is less likely to try and steal chocolate away from under your nose. Cats don’t have a sweet tooth as dogs do. They lack a taste receptor for "sweet" -- they literally cannot taste sweet substances. This makes cats and chocolate an unlikely combination. But, if ingested, chocolate can certainly be a risk around any feline, just as it is for dogs. Why Is Chocolate...
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Cat Foods, Cat Health, Cat Questions, Cats

Can Cats Eat Cheese?

The domestic cat belongs to the cat species that, among others, include the cheetah, tiger, lion, leopard, and jaguar. Consequently, your feline friend is as carnivorous animals mentioned above. Like any other species, cats have a specific dietary requirement. And being obligate predatory animals, they cannot live without meat. So, here comes the question, can cats eat cheese? To answer this question, let me put forward another question.Have you...
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Cat Behavior, Cat Breeds, Cat Health, Cat Questions, Cats

What Do Cats Spray?

Spraying is the act of leaving pheromones to mark territory, as is common among wild and domestic animals. Male domestic cats and dogs also mark their spaces with urine pheromones. While it’s natural for your cat to spray on its territory, there could be health repercussions associated with it, thereby leading you to seek medical intervention.Therefore, it is essential to get rid of cat urine right away to prevent...
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Cat Behavior, Cat Questions, Cat Training, Cats

Are Cats Smart?

There has always been a comparison between cats and dogs based on their intelligence level. Even though dogs are likely to get more votes, we can’t ignore the smartness of our feline friends too. Cats may have a small brain in size as compared to dogs, but that does not mean they are proportionately less intelligent. In fact, a cat’s brain has more neurons; almost double that of a...
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Cat Foods, Cat Health, Cat Questions, Cats

Can Cats Eat Bananas?

Once you have a pet, they become an integral part of the family. And the same way the wellbeing of any other member of the family matters to you is the very way the welfare of your pet matters. Like a kid, you feed them daily and try your best to offer them food which is good for their health. Being a cat owner, I always used to wonder...
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Cat Behavior, Cat Breeds, Cat Questions, Cats

Cats Who Like Water?

The tiger is one animal that comes to mind whenever we think of swimming cats. The domestic cats probably never strike a pet owners mind because they spend their entire life trying to avoid water.The widespread human domestication and our will to protect them from the elements are some of the reasons for this. Most cats don’t love water, but you might be surprised to learn that there are...
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Cat Behavior, Cat Breeds, Cat Questions, Cat Training, Cats

Cats Who Play Fetch?

Though cats are usually sneaky and calm, they can give themselves up when in the active mood. Cats can be very playful and entertaining whenever they choose to. But it is not unusual to see some cats playing the fetch game.Indeed, fetch is a favorite game of many cats. When you entice them with a good catch-object or one of their loved toys, cats will shed-off their shyness and...
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Cat Behavior, Cat Health, Cat Questions, Cats

Do Cats Teeth?

Cats are carnivores, so their teeth are fashioned after their nature. Their teeth are set for hunting and killing prey. Also, cats don’t chew, so they use their teeth for shredding their food into swallow-able sizes.Just as humans, there are two sets of teeth in a cat’s life; the 26 primary or baby-teeth and 30 adult or permanent teeth. Cat teeth are made up of three parts; the pulp,...
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