Browsing Tag:Questions

Cat Behavior, Cat Questions, Cats

Are Cats Liquid?

According to science, the liquid takes the shape of the container and maintains more or less fixed volumes. Thought the cats don't show the exact properties of the liquid, they jump into any container irrespective of the sizes. There has been a strong debate whether the cats are liquids or solids. The very famous physicist Marc-Antoine Fardin worked on determining the state of the cats. Scientific Studies on the Feline...
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Cat Questions, Cats

Can Cats See Color?

As pet owners or people that are wary of cats a lot of us tend to wonder about their abilities. Their agility, which they share with their wild cousins like the cheetah or lion, and the effortlessness with which they leap and climb are quite extraordinary. A question we often ask is whether cats can see color. There are several theories and explanations about this, even some wild guesses...
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Cat Behavior, Cat Questions, Cats

Can Cats See In The Dark?

Cats As A Part Of HistoryCats have been a part of the society since the early ages of Egyptian Kingdom. They meant so much that they were mummified along with the pharaohs. Perhaps one of the reasons is due to their rather supernatural abilities. One of the common questions cat owners ask is with regards to their ability to see in the dark. According to Thomas Huxley, the 19th-century...
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Dog Breeds, Dog Questions, Dogs

What Dog Lives The Longest?

How Long Can Dogs Actually Live For? A dog's life expectancy depends on a variety of factors. The breed of the dog and their genetics play a huge role in determining how many years will they be alive. Also, how you care for your dog matters. Whether their nutritional requirements are being met and whether they are given treatment when ill play a considerable role as well. The life...
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Dog Breeds, Dog Questions, Dogs

What Dogs Are Hypoallergenic?

Hypoallergenic dogs are mostly crossbreeds. They are compatible with people who have allergies because they don't shed.What Makes a Dog Hypoallergenic? Anyone suffering from allergies will tell you how hard it is to control the allergic reactions. Most people get sneezes, hives, watery eyes, and runny noses just by being in the same room with a dog.The fact that you are allergic does not necessarily mean that you cannot...
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Dog Adoption, Dog Behavior, Dog Health, Dog Questions, Dogs

Why My Dog Is Pooping Blood?

What does pooping blood mean? Pooping blood is a condition in which there is blood in the stool. This condition is also called hematochezia or melena. Blood in the stool of your dog can be something that is frightening. In human beings, blood in stool is associated with cancer. With dogs it is different. It is caused by various causes. In case of the condition, you need to seek...
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Dog Adoption, Dog Behavior, Dog Questions, Dogs

Why Do Dogs Roll In Poop?

We know that dogs have 300 million scent receptors. However, it does not naturally imply that he'll have a superior understanding of what smells good and what does not when compared to human beings. As a dog owner, it can be quite repulsive when your pet comes back to you, after a good roll in poop, making you question the reason behind this disgusting tendency of theirs. Read on...
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Dog Adoption, Dog Behavior, Dog Health, Dog Questions, Dogs

Why Do Female Dog Hump?

Introduction Humping is mostly associated with the male dogs. However female dogs also hump. They usually hump anything from people's legs, other dogs, pillows or any other object. If you notice your female dog humping, then it could be for any of the following reasons: Sexual stimulationWhen your female dog is humping, it could be because it is aroused. Therefore, it humps to rub its genitalia against other objects, other...
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Dog Behavior, Dog Questions, Dogs

Why Are Dogs So Loyal?

Do you have dogs in your home? What about cats? Of the two which is more loyal to you and why? Yes, Pets are fantastic creatures that bring joy and love to us. Dogs are more loyal to other animals and us than any other pet. With cats, they love their pet parents only. But dogs do show their loyalty to their friends and human being who are close...
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