Browsing Tag:Self-Awareness

Cat Behavior, Cat Questions, Cats

Are Cats Self Aware?

Did you ever saw your cat looking in a mirror and gazing upon herself? Do you think that cats are self-aware?Most of the people will answer no. Humans always look in the mirror to admire themselves, but that's only a human thing. Cats don't do such kind of a thing. But it is still a fascinating question and how can we come to a conclusion without even analyzing the...
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Dog Behavior, Dog Questions, Dogs

Is Your Dog Self-Aware?

Our canine pets are always around us. We take care of them like a responsible parent. Just like a child, we almost never want them to go out of sight. But do they know who or what they are? Are dogs self-aware?Many pet-owners often ponder over this question. We recently took an interest in this intriguing topic as well. After looking into the depth of this question, we have...
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