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12 Reasons: Why is My Dog Panting and Restless?


After a long and hard day, you merely want to come home and relax. But, your dog is preventing you from doing so. He won’t sit still and continues to pant as if they’re having an anxiety attack.

All dogs pant. Every breed is different. Some breeds are prone to more panting. It’s the natural way how dogs breathe. Panting also regulates a dog’s body temperature. Regular breathing rates in dogs are between 30-40 inhalations.

However, abnormal breathing in a dog is not a healthy sign. It’s excessive, much louder breathing that occurs during awkward periods. Excessive breathing exerts more energy than normal breathing.

Is there a reason why dogs cannot sit still? Here is a look at 12 reasons regarding your dog’s condition and if owners should be worried.


1. A Bout of Cabin Fever

All dogs are born to live in the wild. Snow is a pretty sight, but it can be a burden after a while if you notice your dog unable to sit still, and constantly barking at the window its a sign that they need to get outdoors into the sweet fresh air.

If it’s a beautiful day out, then you should go out for a little exercise. The changes are quite afterward.


2. The dog is Under Some Stress or Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are ubiquitous in dogs. They often extravagantly pant which is behavioral. Panting can make the dogs feel safe.

Examples that make a dog feel anxious are the idea of traveling or worries or moving. Dogs like their environment and don’t often enjoy a change.


3. The Dog Has Been Out in the Sun too Long

Don’t leave your dog out in the sun too long. And don’t ever try to leave them in a car under the boiling sun. It is dangerous and illegal. Moreover, dogs have fur coats that will easily overheat them. Thus, they will continue to pant until they’re at a cooler temperature.

Set out plenty of fresh water for him to stay hydrated. If their temperature has risen to 109 degrees Fahrenheit be on the lookout for other signs of heatstroke. In a matter of minutes, a dog’s body dangerously decreases in brain cells, blood, and even seizures are a dangerous possibility.


4. Is Your Dog in Pain?

Pain is another reason why dogs pant excessively. Dogs are never comforted from awful strikes of depression within their body. There isn’t a way for dogs to inform their owners that they’re feeling discomfort. So, panting is a sign for help. Therefore, it’s important to call the vet right away if your dog is not sleeping at night.

Not only physical pain but mental pain, PTSD is common. Furthermore, a dog may have been in a traumatic accident, and they’re still feeling the effects. The distress of the memory will cause them to act restless and even lack of eating.


5. Consuming Toxic Substances

If dogs have consumed a toxic substance, then it is an emergency. Dogs can also develop allergies. Get your local vet on the phone at the very second.

Finally, watch out for certain substances like chocolate. Chocolate is poison to a dog’s health. Plants, raisins, and antifreeze are also dangerous for a dog’s ingestion.


6. On Medication

Specific medication will cause a dog to pant rapidly. Prednisone is an excellent example of a drug that causes dogs to pant.


7. A Sign of Anemia

When there is a severe decrease in a sog’s amount of blood cells dogs are at high risk due to lack of oxygen. Thus, a dog’s excessive panting is trying to save themselves from filling more air into their lungs.


8. Dog’s Weight

Pay close attention to your dog’s weight. Gaining any amount of body weight is a risk for a dog’s health and breathing too.


9. A Change in dog’s Diet

Dogs enjoy eating. If you have suddenly changed their diet or even their meal schedule, dogs may pant due to feeling anxious. Likewise, dogs are not familiar with changing their eating habits. Pay attention to what your dogs eat.


10. Ever Hear of Dysnopoea or Tachypnoea?

Dysnopoea is breathing while tachypnoea notifies the rate of breathing. It’s normal and is another reason why dogs continuously pant.


11. Chronic Illnesses

Chronic illnesses are usually the reason why dogs are panting and acting restless. Some diseases include:


Heart Failure:

If the heart is not pumping enough blood near to the core, dog’s will pant due to lack of oxygen becoming weak.


Cushing’s Syndrome:

Dog’s adrenal glands produce too much cortisol. Dog’s affected by this disease will pant more, and even drink more water than needed. Typically occurs in middle-aged or older dogs.


Brachycephalic Syndrome or Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome:

The inability for dogs to breathe normally after exercise or eating meals.


Respiratory Disorders:

Issues in the repository can lead to breathing issues. Be on a lookout for pneumonia or tumors on the lungs.



Low blood calcium levels that affect standing and walking. The lungs may also become irritated due to infection.


12. Other Signs Besides Panting and Restless to Watch Out For

  • Hair Loss
  • Lethargy
  • Drinking too many liquids
  • Weakness
  • Weight


The Best Time to Get the Vet’s Diagnoses

Don’t let a dog suffer too long. If dogs are shaking, are restless, or if you notice a change of color in your dog’s gum, then you should get the vet in the know. Also, keep your vet up to date about your dog’s health along with all the symptoms. If there is a medical emergency, the vet will prescribe medication or different advice regarding a dog’s panting.



All breeds of dogs have a contrast in their periods of breathing. Panting could be a dog’s cry for help. Pay attention to all the signs and what your dog has consumed. Panting is also quite healthy as is restlessness. Dogs pant to circulate fresh air into the bodies in contrast to humans who sweat. Take the time to calm your dog and be there for him. Dogs are a given.

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