
There are different types of cats and varies in sizes. Some Cats are big, little, stocky, thin name it but mostly, the cat’s breed can define how big your cat can be. Also, the kind of nutrition your cat gets an environment it lives in helps determine how big your cat can grow and define your cat full grown.

Nutrition is a major corner when it comes to cats’ reaching their full size. It is also important to differentiate between the girth and the typical length size for your cat. Since overweight Felines can be quite heavy even if their overall length fails to increase.

You can relate to this situation with human beings whereby; an individual can be 5-feet tall but, regardless of his weight, they’ll still be of the same height of 5-feet tall.

Often, kittens are known to be playful and can grow into an adult cat very quickly. Don’t be carried away by your cat’s appearance since certain aspects of feline maturity tend to occur more rapidly compared to others.

When you choose to spray or instead neuter your cat. You’re likely to make a significant difference like how and how fast a cat grows-up.

Nevertheless, it’s also important to know that, a sprayed or even neutered cat might retain its playfulness nature which is kitten-like even into adulthood. If you’re relying on determining a cat’s maturity with its playfulness nature, then you’re likely to be mistaken.


Cat Full Grown Age

A kitten is considered to be an adult cat when they reach 12 months of age. Though, your cat may not be fully grown at that age. Between 9-12 months of age; kittens tend to reach a weight as well as length almost close to their full grown.

But after 1 year, most cats continue to develop or grow though, at a much slower rate until they reach 18 months of age.

Not all cats’ stops growing when they reach 18 months of age. There are certain large breeds like Maine coon cats that take a longer duration to reach their full size. It can even take between 2-4 years for them to be fully grown.


When Cats Are Fully Grown

Since different cats or feline breeds tend to grow at different rates as some of them has proven to be quite petite at maturity, but others can be robust in size; all these bring us to one question to answer, “when is your cat fully grown?”

One thing we are sure of is that most cats stop growing when they reach between 8-16 months though it all depends on the cat’s breed.


Cat Life Stage

Feline veterinarians assess cats’ growth based on the cat “life stage.” However, they aren’t based on the length, weight or perhaps height of your cat.

But instead when a kitten is most likely to reach other essential life milestones such as being fully weaned, eating independently, achieving full-range of vision and hearing as well as being able to reproduce.

In addition to developing a full-set of cat’s adult teeth, acquiring both critical social & predatory skills and not to mention completing the kitten’s cycle if vaccinations.

These Cat Life Stages include;

  • From Birth-6 months; Kitten life stage
  • 7-24 months, Junior life stage
  • 3-6 years; Prime life stage
  • 7-10 years; Maturity life stage
  • 11-14 years; Senior life stage
  • 15 years and above-Geriatric life stage


Cat’s Adulthood

Cats reach adulthood at 12 months of age. At this stage, their personality has been established, and they will continue to grow. Basically, cats continue to grow until they’re 18 months of age; when a cat if fully grown.

Although, there are certain breeds of cats that continue-growing even up to 5 years. A good example is Maine Coon thus, in case your cat has such genes then it’s likely to continue growing even after 18 months of age.


At what age do Cats stop Growing?

On this part, we will refer you back to the importance of nutrition. If a cat eats appropriately, then it will adhere to the 18-month full size.

However, for cats who get little to eat or instead don’t receive proper nutrition mostly when they were kittens; they are most likely to reach their full grown size prematurely or even become stunted.

On instances, abandoned cats fall victims of stunted felines. Hence, if you happen to get a cat from a shelter then, there are higher chances that it was discontinued and it may never be that large as its breed suggests.

Also, it may also mean that your cat might stop growing much sooner than usual as its body had to stop the process of growth for survival. Felines that suffer from born deformities and dwarfism may also stop growing as well as reach their adult-size quite sooner.

Continue to provide, care and give it all the needed love, kindness as well s food that you want since if it’s growth process has been shut-down already due to lack of proper nutrition, your cat is less likely to get any bigger than it is then.


Effects of Spaying & Neutering Cats

According to the latest scientific findings, when your hairy friend undergoes spaying and neutering procedure; they’ll get more prominent compared to non-altered cats.

Therefore, in a case where a cat was spayed or rather neutered early in life then they will grow larger. Yes, both in length and girth. Unlike when they are altered when their adulthood; your cat will just grow to the standard size of its breed.

However, for a cat that has not undergone any of these procedures, will basically stick to the 18-months growth limit since its DNA is pure and hasn’t been altered.

Often, cats that have undergone spaying and neutering will develop a longer bone structure and as a result, will continue growing even after reaching the 18-months time frame. Henceforth, both spaying and neutering can positively extend your cat’s growth time and size.



Nutritional needs of your kitten change when it matures into an adult-cat. Therefore, change your kitten diet to adult cat food when it reaches 12-months of age.

To sum it up, it is also necessary to reduce the quantity of food you give your cat per day after they reach 1 year especially when it’s spayed or neutered to avoid cases of overweight. If your cat starts developing a pudgy belly, try to cut back on its food.


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