Browsing Tag:See

Cat Behavior, Cat Questions, Cats

How Do Cats See the World?

Have you ever stopped to wonder what this world looks like through the eyes of your cat? Many times, we have to speak through a bird's eye view because people seldom talk about what the world could be like if you are a cat. We know that felines have a thing for feathery toys and they like pouncing on feet.But what exactly makes them crazy and run after shiny...
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Dog Behavior, Dog Health, Dog Questions, Dogs

How Do Dogs See The World?

It’s a chilly afternoon, and you are happily playing fetch with your dog. You throw the ball towards different directions, and your pet excitedly runs to get it for you. Then you decide to throw the red ball on the lawn, and your dog suddenly seemed confused as to where it landed.This scenario frequently happens, and most of us don’t have any idea why it does. As a pet...
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Hamster Behavior, Hamster Health, Hamster Questions, Hamsters

How Do Hamsters See

Hamsters are small, delicate creatures that are neither diurnal (active during the day) nor nocturnal (active at night) but are crepuscular (active during twilight hours). In the dark, they feel more energetic and need to go about their daily work. Therefore, it’s best to turn the lights off. After a long and tiring night, they usually sleep by hiding away and burrowing in their bedding or some dark place.When...
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Cat Behavior, Cat Health, Cat Questions, Cats

How Do Cats See?

To many of us, cats are the evolutionary marvel of the animal kingdom with a remarkably keen sense of sight, smell and hearing. Domesticated and second to only dogs, some aspects of cats still mystify many. Aside from the myths about their feline nine lives, some still wonder how cats are so nocturnal or move in the dark.The Pandora’s Box of questions are many, but the most curious of...
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Dog Behavior, Dog Health, Dog Questions, Dogs

How Do Dogs See Color?

You see the world in a bright color but does your dog? Have you ever wondered how dogs see color? If only dogs could talk, they could describe things for us, but unfortunately, only research can ascertain the truth.The myth we’ve always believed is that dogs are color blind and see everything in just black or white. In recent years different research teams have been using experiments to test...
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Cat Questions, Cats

Can Cats See Color?

As pet owners or people that are wary of cats a lot of us tend to wonder about their abilities. Their agility, which they share with their wild cousins like the cheetah or lion, and the effortlessness with which they leap and climb are quite extraordinary. A question we often ask is whether cats can see color. There are several theories and explanations about this, even some wild guesses...
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Cat Behavior, Cat Questions, Cats

Can Cats See In The Dark?

Cats As A Part Of HistoryCats have been a part of the society since the early ages of Egyptian Kingdom. They meant so much that they were mummified along with the pharaohs. Perhaps one of the reasons is due to their rather supernatural abilities. One of the common questions cat owners ask is with regards to their ability to see in the dark. According to Thomas Huxley, the 19th-century...
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Dog Health, Dog Questions, Dogs

What Color Can Dogs See?

The question 'do dogs see in color' has been making the rounds ever since that famous scene in Cats vs. Dogs. In this scene one of the dogs must disarm a bomb with different colored wires, the issue being that in the dog's vision the wires are just varying degrees of grey. However, this is not technically true.The myth that dogs cannot see in color was spread because of...
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