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12 Effective Ways: How To Induce Vomiting In Dogs


Dogs are on the hunt for anything to eat in the house. That’s why you should keep everything locked up in cabinets or keep the basement off limits. However, if your dog does get into anything toxic, owners need to take immediate action.

It’s heartbreaking to see your loveable dog looking sick. When you think that their behavior is due to something they may have eaten, you’re probably right! Moreover, it’s the worst possible thought you could have feared. The dog has gotten into something toxic and harmful!

It’s not the most pleasant of options, but you need to make your dog vomit. It’s the best solution to get rid of the toxic chemicals invading their insides. It will also save their lives. Either that or your furry guy may not live another day if you don’t take the situation into serious matters.

To make your dog regurgitate, follow these 12 steps so that he can feel better.


1. Determine if Your Dog Wants to Throw Up Something

It takes some time before your dog is showing signs that something is wrong. Before making any assumptions, first of all, determine what your dog has gotten into and if it is toxic.

If your dog, by mistake, has swallowed any or some of the following, then you’ll be able to access the situation.


Substances that need to be Vomited

  • Antifreeze
  • Chocolate
  • Grapes or raisins
  • Tylenol or Asprin
  • Plants


Substances That Don’t Need to be Vomited

  • Bleach
  • Dry Cleaner
  • Elements containing Petroleum, Ex: Gasoline
  • Drain Cleaner
  • Paint of Paint Thinner


2. Signs That Show Your Dog May Have Been Poisoned

If your dog is showing these following signs, then you should take them to the vet. Make sure that your dog is alert, conscious, and not in danger or dizziness when starting this process.



  • Difficulty breathing
  • Looking Depressed
  • Having Seizures
  • Slow Heart Rate
  • Unconscious


3. Move Your Dog to a Safer Area

Immediately get your dog to vomit within the first two hours of ingesting any harmful toxins. Before you begin steps to induce vomiting, move your dog away from the carpet, bedspreads, or anything of value.

It is going to be a messy, and perhaps, dirty process. Either take your dog somewhere outdoor or spread out newspapers. That way the mess will be easier to clean.


4. Keep Feeding Your Dog

Although their stomachs are in enough pain, feeding dogs more will increase the need to vomit. Also, feed them a small portion or even a piece of bread.

The reason why your dog may not be regurgitating may be due to an empty stomach. If your dog doesn’t want to eat, then don’t force t him. There are other options too.


5. Make a Call to the Vet or Poison Control

After making sure that your dog is in a safe area, it’s essential to call the vet or poison control to get their opinion. Stay calm and provide all the information regarding what has gone inside the belly, its symptoms, and the number of hours or minutes that have past since the ingestion. After this, you will get the right direction and advice.


6. How Much Hydrogen Peroxide Will Your Dog Need?

Once you have the okay-to-go situation for inducing your dog to vomit, give your dog 3% of Hydrogen Peroxide. It is a preferred product to cause vomiting. Almost all pharmacies carry this medicine.

Depending on their body weight, determine how much quantity you may need to give them in a teaspoon, preferably in a measuring spoon. Even use an ear or eye dropper if a spoon won’t work. Turkey basters have also been known to work. NEVER mix Hydrogen Peroxide with your dog’s food!


7. Things Not to Use to Make Your Dog Vomit

Never use products such as ipecac or salt to induce vomiting. Salt is toxic, and ipecac may only worsen your dog’s stomach.


8. Take Your Dog for a Walk

Dogs love their daily walks. Walking can help stimulate vomiting. The contents in dogs stomach will mix with the Hydrogen Peroxide you have given to them. However, your dog may not feel up for a walk. Therefore, don’t force them. Instead, shake their belly by covering it up with a tummy rub.


9. Waiting

Many times, waiting is the most painful process ever. Waiting for a dog to vomit is not the most exciting time. Sources estimate that after being given Hydrogen Peroxide, your dog will hopefully vomit in a few minutes.

But, if nothing happens after ten minutes, you can go ahead and give a second dosage. Note that it’s not required to provide your dog more than two dosages of Hydrogen Peroxide.


10. Cleaning Process

It’s not a job you’ll enjoy, but someone needs to clean up that vomit. Fasten on those rubber gloves and sponge the area or clean with any cleaning supplies you have.


11. Taking Matters to the Vet

The veterinarian is a life saver. Allow the vet to take care of your dog even if your dog does regurgitate. A checkup with never hurt to see if they are rid of all the bacteria. If your dog has vomited, take a sample and bring it for the vet to examine.

Similar to being on the phone, tell your vet all the details about what happened and how much Hydrogen Peroxide you’ve given your dog. As a result, they can even prescribe something stronger to make your dog vomit.


12. Charcoal and Other Useful Drugs

Vets will recommend an assortment of different drugs such as charcoal, Apomorphine, or even Xylazine. You may research what these medications will do to help your dog, but they will mix with the toxins in their digestive system eventually making them vomit.



Take immediate consideration on what you need to do to help your dog regurgitate all the toxins in their stomach. Stay calm and never force anything. Call your vet immediately to get advice.

Similarly, to prevent the situation from ever happening again, don’t keep toxic items in close reach for your dog. Puppy-proof the house and even make sure the cabinets are secure. Dogs need good care.

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