
You might have heard of Rabies disease in Rats. But the fact is that it is a viral disease that can be found in any mammal including, cats, dogs, and humans too. This disease causes the death of over 50,000 humans and millions of animals all over the world. Rabies is the virus that affects the brain and spinal cord. So, if you are noticing some symptoms of Rabies in your Cat, then it is better you get alarmed because any passing day she might bite you and it will get passed onto you.

It looks a little bit suspicious that how can cats get rabies. But the virus can always found a way to spread among animals.


How Cats get Rabies?

Rabies can be transmitted by a simple scratch or a bite from an already infected animal. Or it can also be transferred just by getting in contact with the saliva of the infected animal. In such a condition if a cat’s wound is exposed to the saliva, then the virus can be spread through an open mucous membrane.

The risk of cats getting infected by rabies is highest when they usually get in contact with wild animals. Most often, wild animals like raccoons, bats, skunks, or foxes are infected by rabies. Moreover, stray dogs and cats can also be the carrier of this virus. That’s how cats get rabies.

Another rare case when a cat can get rabies is when she breathes in a highly contaminated area of virus such as a bat’s cave. In bat’s caves the virus is widespread, and just by breathing in that air, there are more than 90% chances that your cat can get rabies.


What are the Symptoms of Rabies in Cats?

Only doctors know there is two form of rabies virus, i.e., paralytic and furious. In the prodromal stage, the cats only exert mild signs of abnormalities. But this stage only lasts for three to four days, after that, the virus will grow to the furious stage, paralytic stage or both of the stages at once.

Furious rabies got its name due to the characterization changes in cats during this phase. Cat’s behavior got extremely aggressive, and they often attack whereas, paralytic rabies makes the cats dumb. That’s why it is also called dumb rabies. In this type, cats will become weak, and their coordination will be disturbed, and slowly they will suffer from paralysis.

Therefore, treating rabies in cats is also important otherwise it will take her to the deathbed soon enough. If you notice symptoms like any of the below mentioned symptoms, then immediately take your cat to a vet and treat her properly.

  • Pica
  • Seizures
  • Fever
  • Jaw is dropped
  • Inability to swallow water and food
  • Lack of coordination in muscles
  • Unusual aggression or shyness
  • Excessive excitement
  • Change in behavior and attitude
  • Constant irritability
  • An excess amount of saliva (hypersalivation)
  • Paralysis

If you see even a single symptom like this then instead of ignoring these signs, you must give an instantaneous response and only then you will be able to save your pet. Rabies is a 100% fatal disease and hence its prevention and cure are very important.


How to Diagnose Rabies in Cats?

If your cat has a mark on its body clearly visible that it was bitten by some other animal, then taking her to a vet might be the first thing that you would think of. But if the bite mark is not visible, then unless your cat’s behavior is getting strange and weird, you won’t be able to detect it until the virus gets to the furious stage. But as soon as the symptoms are displayed. You must take her to a vet. The doctor will analyze her medical history and will ask you about her previous rabies vaccination. The vet will evaluate the cat’s condition and run some tests to check if she is indeed infected or not.

The thing is that some of the rabies symptoms can be similar to some other health issues in cats. That is also a concern for the doctors, that’s why the doctor will do a brain examination to check for the virus. The cats will be euthanized to perform a post-mortem anti-body test.


How to Treat Rabies in Cats?

It is your immediate action that can save your cat once she is infected by the virus. The virus takes some time to reach the nervous system and hence if your cat is treated within that time period, then she can be saved. An anti-rabies vaccination will be given to her that would inject various antibodies in the cat’s body. The antibodies will encourage the production of antigens in the body to fight the virus, and the immune system will go strong.

Unfortunately, if your cat has bitten a human after she was infected, then the anti-rabies vaccine won’t work. This will mask the signs of infection. After it has bitten a human, the only possible thing that can be done is to euthanize the cat. Another option that can be done is to quarantine the cat for months strictly. If the exposed cat has already gotten a shot of rabies vaccination, then another booster vaccination can be given followed by 30-days of quarantine and observation.


Can Humans Get Rabies from Cat’s Scratch?

The Rabies virus is zoonotic and therefore can be transmitted to humans too. If your cat scratched you after she was infected from the virus, then there is a small possibility that you will get affected also. But if she bit you or her saliva gets mixed with a simple cut on your body, then you will surely get rabies.



Therefore, the only way to prevent rabies is the time to time vaccination of your pets. Even a cat that is already vaccine will need a booster vaccine after she has rabies, thus, take proper actions and give all the essential vaccines to your cats. The vaccination will not only protect your cat but the humans around her too.


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