
The question of whether cats have periods or not is quite interesting. To answer this, a detailed analysis of a cat’s reproductive system and the cycle is necessary. Periods often act as a determining factor of fertility in most females, especially in human beings.

The periods occur as a result of the rise and fall of hormones. Women are likely to experience various physical changes due to the fluctuating levels of hormones during the menstruation cycle. Just like humans and dogs, cats also have periods. However, periods cycles in cats occur in a whole different way.


What are the Determining Elements for Periods in Cats?

In female cats, the period cycles are referred to as estrus cycles and mostly take place when the kitty is on the heat. Cats experience menstrual periods at the onset of their reproductive maturity. It mostly happens when she is about 6 months of age. During this period, you will experience overall behavioral changes in your cat. Nonetheless, bleeding is a rare characteristic during periods in cats. The cat will also attract the male counterparts in large numbers.

Unfixed will cats will undergo the estrus cycle after every two or three weeks. At this time, the cat can mate and consequently breed. The actively raging hormones dictate how the animal’s behaviors. Unlike in the human menstrual cycle, feline heat is characterized by excess meowing and yowling sounds in your precious kitty.

The cat may also portray extreme affection and overly be demanding. Among the visible signs to watch out for in determining if your cat is on heat is urine spraying on anything they come across. Cats may also get impatient to the point of showing hostility for no particular reason. Additionally, if you see your cat trying to pose into a mating position is an indication that your feline pet is on the heat. As such, you should always monitor your cat for such behaviors to determine if you want it to breed or not.



When a cat is on heat, she will experience swelling on the vulva, though not as visible as is the case in dogs. Cats suffer the feline heat cycle depending on seasons. Mostly, they will experience heat between two to three weeks for just a few months. This process is likely to occur towards the end of winter or at the beginning of spring. It could also take place in late fall or during the early days of winter. As such, you know the right time to look out for any signs of the cycle in your kitty pet.

Cats on heat leave you with only two options. You can maybe allow her to mate and get pregnant or else try and keep her away from males. Cats are likely to mate for quite sometimes during a limited period of time of the estrus cycle. Notably, they can breed at any time during the cycle, without considering the time the heat cycle commenced. For this reason, a cat may conceive a whole litter of kittens with more than one male. Consequently, keeping your kitty away from any contact with the males prevents mating. As such the animal will lose heat once in ovulation either several days or a week after the start of the estrus cycle.

You can also induce ovulation in your cat by ensuring that the cat mates many times within one day. Moreover, changing your cat’s diet is not appropriate during the cycle.



However, bleeding in cats during the estrus cycle is something to worry about. In case you notice this, it is always best to inform the veterinarian. Bleeding could be as a result of various health problems in the kitty. A miscarriage may cause bleeding in a pregnant cat. Some people often confuse this bleeding with menstruation, just as is the case with periods in women.


Ways of Preventing Cat Periods

The good news is that you can worry less about your kitty pet going through the estrus cycle or even getting impregnated. You will just have to take the cat to a veterinary center where she will undergo surgical sterilization. People also refer to this process as spaying or ovariohysterectomy. Spaying is useful at any time, regardless of the cat’s age.

The surgical procedure helps in eliminating the frustrations and discomforts brought about by the heat cycles. It is also a great way of reducing the effects of vast numbers of cats in one area. Through the procedure, the cat gains relief of keeping up with estrus cycle-related behaviors.

It gives it the freedom to enjoy a comfortable atmosphere throughout its existence. Notably, some owners buy the fact that giving the cat a chance to breed maybe once before spaying positively contributes to her future mannerisms. It is considered a way of making her friendlier as well as improving her social relationships with the surrounding environment. Nevertheless, letting a cat have kittens or denying her that opportunity does not influence her behavior in any way. Behavior solely relies on the cat’s personality and upbringing.



Therefore, it is clear that periods in cats are real. The difference in their period cycle to that of human beings or dogs does not exempt them from the fact that they too experience periods. Although it may be hard to notice when a cat is having the estrus cycle, especially if you are not trained; it is a fact that cannot be ignored. Cats’ periods are explained using the various signs and sudden change in behaviors.

As such, you should make a point of consulting with the veterinary and also carry out detailed research on periods in cats. A strong knowledge of the whole cycle as well as what is expected of you as its guardian is necessary for ensuring your cat has an easy time during this period. Additionally, you should always monitor your cat for any changes in overall behavior and determine the next cause of action. Well, cats too deserve the appropriate care and attention during their periods. Try to make her feel comfortable or even better relief her from this whole nightmare through spaying.


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