
When James Herriot, a distinguished vet, and the author said that “cats are connoisseurs-of-comfort,” his sentiments were far away from the soft, cozy cat beds. He wasn’t even thinking about sweet cat delicacies. He, instead, was referring to always having a clean full bowl of water beside the cat’s food, all the time. This was to entice your cat to drink water especially.

Cats initially used to be desert animals, and they would live off meat and fluids from their prey. They naturally knew nothing to do with milk, up until humans started domesticating them.


Give Your Feline Friend A Bowl Of Fresh, Clean, And Odor-Free Water

By nature, therefore, all domestic felines get given plenty of fresh water to make up for their long-lost habits. It’s recommended that you allow your cat to drink water more times than it drinks milk. They may not drink much or drink as much as possible, but it is your responsibility to ensure they get a bowl. I know cats can be finicky when it comes to what bowl to use. Kitties usually prefer their water to be cool and served on their favorite bowls. But when it comes to the bigger, more mischievous cats, things are different. Here, you might need to be creative and entice them with different ideas.


How Much Water Should You Give Your Cat?

Naturally, the amount would depend on a couple of factors. These include how old and how big the feline is and whether it has been drinking water. In typical scenarios, kitties may need a little, perhaps an equivalent of half a glass per serving.

Adults weighing 4kgs or more will, however, drink more if its diet included lots of dry food. It will need more supplemental water to remain hydrated. Typically, a vet will tell you 2-4 ounces (average of 60mls/kg per day) per day is ideal, although more is better.

When determining the volume of water to give your cat, you should consider the diet too. Under ordinary circumstances, wet or canned food comes with about 80% water. And when it is so, your cat may not drink any water. However, you should still give the cat some water. This is because water from the wet food might not be enough to keep the cat hydrated.


When You Should Be Concerned

Your cat may refuse to drink any water even when it lives on dry food alone. If that’s the case, don’t hesitate to contact your veterinary healthcare team. Alongside that, however, you will tell if the cat is drinking enough water these tale-tell signs:


The Skin

Should be supple, elastic and gentle to pull, especially at the back of its neck. If it feels soft and hydrated, then your cat is getting enough water.


The Coat

Is it warm, shiny and without any dry flakes? If yes, then your cat is doing great!


Normal habits

If your cat is playing healthy, jumping up and down the house and doesn’t look overly lethargic, then you have no reason to worry.



If the cat is urinating at least 3 times a day, it is getting enough water.


But What If The Cat Doesn’t Like To Drink Water?


Place bowls of fresh

Clean water everywhere in your home. You will be surprised that much as cats are sensitive to cleanliness, the positioning of their food matters to them. The cat will need to drink in a calm, serene location where there’s entirely no disturbance whatsoever.


Wet food can also help

Especially if the cat has refused to take any water. Your vet will recommend the list of wet foods. However, you shouldn’t find it hard figuring out the right diet to give him. Just keep the cat’s preferences in mind.


Make the water tasty

Add some flavor. Low sodium tuna or clam juice ice cubes will possibly make the cat enjoy the drink even more. But before you do this, try to figure out if the cat really delights taking flavored water.


Use special bowls

This is because if the cat finds it difficult drinking from an ordinary one, he may never prefer drinking from it again. Ideally, a bowl with a wide, shallow diameter can be a good fit.



Cats prefer to drink from a dripping faucet instead of using a conventional water bowl. There are several reasons behind this. But the most interesting one is that they will prefer to hear the water dripping rather than seeing the bowl of water. Also, they instinctively feel that dripping water is safe and fresh.


Do They Prefer It Warm Or Cold?

Well, in this particular stage, you will have to determine what works on your own. Experiment and figure out exactly what the cat likes. Do this by watching closely whether warm or cold is right for him.

You will probably discover that when the weather is warmer, your cat will choose to drink cold water. This is just like us, humans. So, have some ice cubes ready to place in the bowl of water when the cat seems to prefer cold water. Sometimes, cats prefer to lick the ice cube instead.

Potential Problems – Thirsty CatYour cat will only play around if it is feeling okay. However, just because it has not taken any water for a couple of days doesn’t mean all is well.

There are some diseases that a thirsty cat is susceptible to. These conditions are:

  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Urinary-tract disease


Facts: What Every Cat Owner Should Know

Not all cats will drink from a bowl. Others may prefer to be wholly immersed in a pool. Som could even prefer to drink from a dripping faucet. If you don’t watch out and determine the right one for your cat, you risk having a thirsty cat. In worse instances, the cat may drink dirty water out there. So, keep a close eye on what’s suitable for your pet.

Sometimes, your cat will refuse to drink from its usual watering point. Not because he or she is sick or doesn’t want to drink, but perhaps due to the taste. Hard water doesn’t appeal to cats and they will not drink it. So, be sure the water is fresh, clean and have a pleasant taste. Cats will not drink from a dirty bowl. Even a smell may force him to abandon drinking the water altogether. So, be sure to clean the bowl, rinse it and ensure it has no foul odor.

When feeding him, have the bowl of water ready so that she drinks right after eating.


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