Browsing Category:Guinea Pigs

Guinea Pig Foods, Guinea Pig Health, Guinea Pig Questions, Guinea Pigs

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Strawberries?

As you probably know, strawberry is a delicious fruit, rich in essential vitamins the body needs. Granted, there are different types of berries, but strawberries are more common. If you own a guinea pig, you are likely to be considering feeding it with delicious strawberries. Of course, guinea pigs can eat strawberries. But before you head out to the local fruit store in your area or mall to get...
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Guinea Pig Behavior, Guinea Pig Health, Guinea Pig Questions, Guinea Pigs

How Long Do Guinea Pigs Live?

Many people love guinea pigs for their cute appearance and how easy it is to tend for them. They're gentle animals and are great pets for both children and adults without the high-maintenance. However, have you ever thought of how long they can live for? Many people ask me, "how long go guinea pigs live for?" before getting one as a pet before committing to it.This is a question...
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Guinea Pig Behavior, Guinea Pig Health, Guinea Pig Questions, Guinea Pigs

5 Signs: How to Tell If a Guinea Pig Is Pregnant

Do you have a guinea pig and want to start breeding it? Or do you notice that she has different behaviors and seems like she's carrying a baby or two? You might already be seeing or looking for bumps to see if they're carrying babies!While pregnancy on guinea pigs can be telling, sometimes it's difficult to see if your guinea pig is pregnant or not! But not to worry,...
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Guinea Pig Behavior, Guinea Pig Health, Guinea Pig Questions, Guinea Pigs

10 Tips to Get Your Guinea Pig to Stop Biting You

Has your guinea pig been biting you lately? If yes, you are not alone. You see, there are a lot of guinea pig owners just like you who are experiencing the same thing. Although guinea pigs are gentle and docile creatures who love to explore, certain situations could make them aggressive and prompt them to bite.Whether you have just got your first guinea pig or you have been caring...
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Guinea Pig Behavior, Guinea Pig Foods, Guinea Pig Health, Guinea Pig Questions, Guinea Pigs

Do Guinea Pigs Need Hay?

Today, pet owners are very cautious about their pet diet, and they always analyze what are benefits of the food before introducing it to their pet. That’s why whether guinea pig needs hay or not is the most searched thing by people who have recently adopted a guinea pig.Thus, our today post will tell you do really guinea pigs need hay and if yes, what benefits they can have...
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Guinea Pig Foods, Guinea Pig Health, Guinea Pig Questions, Guinea Pigs

What Can Guinea Pigs Eat?

Guinea pigs are small, furry, round, and cute animals who are considered ideal pets because of their gentle and friendly nature. However, there is another characteristic guinea pigs are famous for. It is for having a starving hunger!Whether it's grass, pellets, daily greens or food snacks, cavies are always eating.As pet owners, it is where our responsibilities set in. With such an enormous appetite, it is up to us...
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Guinea Pig Behavior, Guinea Pig Health, Guinea Pig Questions, Guinea Pigs

Can Guinea Pigs Swim?

Can Guinea Pigs Swim? Or Guinea Pigs like to swim? Today, there are many Youtube videos showing a guinea pig swimming, and that’s making guinea pig owners very curious to know whether their pet can swim or not.Are Guinea Pigs Natural Swimmers? Or they like to be in water? Are All Guinea Pigs love to swim? Before letting your pet in the water, must read this post as guinea...
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