
We have often referred to hamsters as great starter pets for kids, and have seen them as a favored option for adults as well. Is it their chubby cheeks? Or their inquisitive eyes? If you’re considering having a hamster as your furry companion, and you’re wondering ‘ are hamsters good pets,’ you’re in the right place.

In this article, you’ll be equipped with all the information necessary to answer this question for yourself.



One thing to bear in mind when considering any animal as a pet is how much taking care of it will require of you. While all pets have some amount of dependence, hamsters require relatively low maintenance. It’s best to keep them in cages, which are small and easy to clean. Generally, you will need to clean a hamster’s cage once or twice a week.

Regarding droppings, after a while, they will train themselves to go in a small corner of their cage. Hamsters do need fresh food and water daily, so you’ll have to attend to them every day. Keeping your hamster healthy can be a balancing act as they need regular exercise and a balanced diet. Otherwise, they can become obese or suffer from other health complications.


They Can Be Mean

Hamsters are solitary creatures so they can become territorial and are known for biting. This is because they are prey animals and may find your presence a little terrifying. To prevent this, you will need to train your hamster to accustom itself to being handled. At first, your new hamster will need to get used to its new surroundings, including you.

In this time, you may not want to try and hold him. There’s a high risk of your finger getting nibbled on! After that, keeping them for a few minutes each day can help them to become the warm, fuzzy and playful creatures they’re known to be. Another thing that can cause them to be a bit grumpy is waking them up. They are nocturnal creatures, so they catch most of their sleep during the day. Though it might be tempting, try not to wake them up to play with them.


Pet Owner’s Age

The experience of owning a hamster might be a difference depending on your age. For example, very young children may not fully understand its needs like space, daily food, and sleeping habits. Because of this lack of understanding, they may not get along with these pets. Also, you must consider responsibilities like cleaning its cage, ensuring it gets appropriate exercise and proper diet.

As children get older, they become more sensitive and aware of other creatures. At this time, they can then appreciate hamsters and the responsibilities that come along with owning them. Once a hamster is comfortable, though, it can be an excellent pet for kids. They will love its cute and fluffy appearance, as well as the fact that they can carry it around in their pockets.



You may want to consider their lifespan when determining whether hamsters are a good fit for you. With a life expectancy of about 2 – 3 years, they may not be the lifelong companion that some people desire. Instead, they’re an excellent choice for younger children who may have a short attention span, or even a good starter pet for them.

For those who aren’t looking to commit a great deal of time to nurture a pet, hamsters’ lifespans are on the shorter end of the spectrum and would be ideal. You can maximize their lifespan by keeping them healthy with diet and exercise, as well as keeping their surroundings safe and dry.


Feeding a Hamster

As a hamster owner, one of your most significant responsibilities will be regulating their nutrition. Their diet should be balanced, and they generally need a mixture of fruits, vegetables, and seeds. You should also feed them once daily, as well as check their cage for leftover bits of food from the previous feeding.

Beware of the cheek pouches – hamsters often store food in their cheek pouches, and this can give the impression that they have finished all their food. They also need a constant supply of clean water. This part is relatively simple, all you need to do is check every few days and refill when necessary. Once you find a balance, feeding a hamster will be quite straightforward.


Are Hamsters Costly?

The costs associated with owning a hamster can vary. While it is possible to keep costs low, going all out can begin to make a mark in your pockets. Your hamster’s home is a significant source of these expenses. Ideally, a right-sized cage is necessary along with appropriate bedding. Next, you’ll need toys to keep hamster happy and engaged.

A sturdy feeding bowl and a hamster friendly water bottle are necessities as well. Concerning exercise, hamster balls and wheels are costly but are a necessary expense. These pets generally need plenty of food, and you can prepare its food from fresh ingredients daily.

There’s also the option of purchasing pre-mixed hamster food. If hamsters become ill, you do need to prepare yourself for the costs associated with a visit to the veterinarian. On a positive note, hamsters do not necessarily need to get shots.



Apart from feeding, hamsters do not require prolonged supervision. Once in a safe and well-equipped environment, they can entertain themselves for hours on end. Outfitting their habitat with interactive toys, wheels and hidden treats can keep them engaged.

Despite this, they still do need to be held every once in a while, mainly because you don’t want them reverting to their wild behavior. Getting them out of their cage will also help to spice things up, in case they get tired of their cage.



Having a hamster as a pet has its pros and its cons. Being a good choice for a pet is subjective and depends on your needs, hamsters’ needs and how they intersect. Some advantages include their low maintenance, independence and how easy it is to clean up after them.

On the negative side, hamsters can be nippy at first and take a while to warm up to humans, they are nocturnal and are prone to diarrhea. So, hamsters, are they good pets? You tell me!


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Photo by cdrussorusso,