
We mostly view cats as the opposite to dogs in so many different aspects – dogs are pack animals that require interaction with others of their kind or humans. On the other hand, we look at cats as independent and aloof, not requiring human interaction. However, they do enjoy their attention. How true is this view and do cats actually don’t need each other? Below, we take a look at some of the traits that make cats independent when it comes to their living and surviving. That, we will do by answering the question – are cats pack animals?


Their Area/Territory

Our cats’ behavior originates from their forefathers, wildcats, and their growth worldwide. While cats don’t necessarily need to hunt for their food, it doesn’t stop them to pretend-hunt as kittens. Typically they hunt and catch little animals and birds even though they don’t consume them. They equally react to threats as they would in the wild, especially if they sense death. Cats also inherited the trait of knowing how to interact with their kind when they are in their territory.

Most cats hunt alone, and for that reason, they have their areas where they hunt. They also protect it to make sure they have adequate food to survive. Cats mark their areas to caution off other cats and also make sure the boundaries are well respected. Typically, they hate fighting each other, even though you get unpleasant sounds outside the window in the middle of the night. When they mark their area or territories, it’s usually to warn off other cats even though it’s never respected.


The Den

The den is located at the heart of their territory which is basically where they sleep, eat and spend time with a mate. This particular area is safeguarded most, and any attack or intrusion will lead to a fight. With the domesticated cat, this might be their home or like a particular part of it.

In situations whereby another cat enters this core area, she may be met with retaliation by the primary occupant of that area or territory.


Neutral Ground

There are areas in the wild that cats see as neutral grounds. This is where they meet and interact with other cats.

In our homes, this may be where they share food and water bowls with other cats. Unwelcomed cats are hissed off, roared and spat at till they leave.


Understanding Cat Colonies

Feral domestic cats in some cases form colonies to help them survive. When there is a single or a couple of food sources in an area, and a single cat couldn’t hold off their competitors or eat everything there. As regards to this, the cats stay in the field together but don’t treat as theirs. It’s more like neutral ground.

There is less of the hierarchy in these groups that we see in dogs. Since cats aren’t packed animals, however, they can still choose to live with each other.

When cats live together in a home, this colony mindset can take place. They then recognize that it is best to interact and endure each other, even though they won’t get to best friends.


Self-Reliance in Cats

Unlike dogs which are pack animals, research studies revealed that cats don’t crave for their owners or become stress when left alone. Naturally living alone, cats don’t feel the need to depend on anyone. Research by animal behavior experts at the University of Lincoln says that cats choose to look after themselves.

Moreover, they still feel safe even when you separate them from their owners. However, it doesn’t imply that cats don’t like their owners, as lots of have the freedom and flexibility to leave whenever they desire to. It’s true that cats choose to stay in your house as they are seen as independent animals.

Cats are now the most popular pets as a result of their self-reliance. For individuals that work long hours or travel frequently, they are the best pets as they do not require continuous care and attention. Cats do bond with their owners and have strong feelings for them. However, studies have actually revealed that cats don’t need their owners to feel safe. This is unlike dogs that need their human counterparts to stay safe. A cat connects itself to home and owners. However, wouldn’t depend on them entirely.


Behavior with Humans

In other research studies, animal behavior experts have actually concluded that cats respond differently with humans compared to the way dogs do. When communicating or playing with human beings, dogs alter the way they behave and their attitudes compared to when they are having fun with other dogs.

Cats nevertheless, act quite the same. They understand we are different, and undoubtedly much more significant. But still, they behave same when interacting socially with other cats. For example, rubbing their bodies against us and keeping their tail in the air. There may also be other behavior such as kneading their feet and also grooming besides us.

This shows that cats do not see us any different to other cats. Even in a wild environment, cats don’t seek assistance or defense from others. Instead, they are usually lone animals, so humans are therefore no different.


To What Extent Do Cats Need Us?

Even when feeling distressed, a cat tries to find a more secure location such as under the bed or on top of a tree to hide, instead of trying to go get secured. There is the form of reliance on their owners. So naturally, cats just like to take care of themselves.

Tray cats all over the world reside in different places and still get on just fine. The domesticated ones these days might still have this flexibility if they want to. However, they choose to remain comfortable, nice home as they have a bond with their owner. Moreover, life is a lot easier in a warm, safe location with continuous food and cuddles.

The response would most probably be no if cats really need their owners to survive. Cats have before and now, live without people. Even the most spoiled ones will still be able to live without us. They have much more powerful souls than dogs and can continue living alone or with people. Undoubtedly life with humans is a lot easier and more pleasurable for them.

However, if they needed to survive without us, they could. Cats don’t require rubbing throughout the day, bowls of milk, continuous food, and brushing. It is a luxury they’ve actually become used to. In truth, who would say no to that?



While cats don’t necessarily have friends, they still enjoy it and easily tolerate it, especially when they gowned up. Some cats will always care for each other, with females often maintaining the mother rule. Others might just still tolerate each other. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean companionship or associated with being a pack animal.


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