
Head tilting is typical behavior in many dogs. They like to tilt their head when we speak to them. They can tilt the head when there is also a particular type of noise from the environment. Dogs are emotionally intelligent. They are able to learn human language and understand them. From this, they are able to respond differently. They also read our emotions and respond with what we say to them. But have ever asked yourself why do they tilt their heads? In this article, We have discussed some of the reasons why they tilt their head.

Head tilting is a show of intelligence. This is according to Dr. Nicholas Dodman, veterinary professor. To him, head tilting makes a dog more sensitive to the tuned sound. It also tries to create a good link with the owner. It can be a show of curiosity and interest on the sound directed to them.


To Understand Us Better or To Hear Us

Dogs are more sensitive to hearing. When tilting the head, they want to hear better the word or the phrases that are directed to them. They want to ensure they have understood as well. Dogs cannot speak like a human being. So they can request us to repeat our phrase. So they want to ensure what is being said is heard well. This is achieved by head tilting. When a dog trained they know how to do some things. They will see the trainer’s signs and what they are being told. Head tilting when we speak is a reinforcement of understanding.


To See Us Better

Dogs have muzzle faces, unlike a human who has a flat face. This muzzle face may block them from seeing object well. So for them to see well they tilt their head. Tilting the head to the left or right creates a new perspective. This gives it more visually and able to understand messages directed to them.


Due To Health Issues

In rare cases, head tilting may be due to underlying health issues. In a frequent head tilting in your dog is a show that it is trying to prevent from falling. This show that there is a problem in the vestibular system with your dog. The vestibular system helps in coordination and balance in dogs. Any issue in the brain or on the ear affects nerves in the vestibular. This leads to head tilting, ataxia, and vomiting in dogs. With this many heads tilting due to the health issue, you will notice nausea. With this, you need to consult the help of your vet.


The Power of Reinforcement

Some dogs repeatedly tilt their head when they hear some words. Scientists argue that they do that to get attention as they do that. When we praise or laugh at them when they do that. They will repeat tilting their head because they feel they are positively motivated. This has been proved scientifically. Behavior that is reinforced is frequently repeated. So dogs do tilt their head when they think they have been motivated by the owner.


It Is a Conditioned Behavior

Animals learn many things from us. Dogs to learn from us. They learn on what things will please us that will make us reward them. When they realize we reward them when they tilt their head, they will always repeat that to get our attention.

This can be a learned condition from our dogs when we call or speak to them. To add on that they may do that to be praised.


To Show Empathy

Dogs tilt their head to show empathy. To add on it show that they are concerned and engaged in the conversation. Dogs are smart as they can learn from what we want to do. To express this to us, they show a head tilting as a sigh of acceptance. To add on that it may indicate that the dog wants to play. It shows that the dog is in need of something. In one research, it showed that head tilting is an indication of readiness to play in dogs.


To recognize us

Dogs do tilt their head to show us that they recognize and love us. When one arrives, the dog welcomes him or her joyously. Since they cannot speak. They jump up and tilting their head for us to recognize their love on us. It is also a show that they care about us.


Το Know Our Facial Expressions

Dogs are like human beings. When we speak, they want to know how we feel by learning our facial expressions. The research has shown that dogs are able to scan our face and try to understand how we think and our emotions. From this, they will act to please us or to do on how we feel. They will pretend to act on what they feel you are for.



This is another minor reason for head tilting in dogs. Some research shows that when dogs are tired and angry, they tend to lean their head. This has not scientifically been proved.

Some dogs also tilt head because they are prone to that. Dogs are naturally made in head tilting. In addition to that, some dog breed is likely to head tilting than others.

Aging is also another reason to why dogs tilt their head. Older dogs are more of tilting their heads as compared to puppies. The idea behind this is due to inactiveness in old dogs.



Head tilting in dogs is very common in many dogs. As we have seen a dog may tilt its head due to various reasons. Head tilting because they want, to understand us better, to hear what we say, to see us better, due to health issues, to show their empathy and other functions. With health issues, consult your veterinary when you realize head tilting is not usual. These are some of the reasons why dogs tilt their head. There are also other factors other than this. You can search for more information from the web and also from dog experts.


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