
Is My Dog’s Paw Licking Normal? Dogs are such cute creatures that one can’t help but find everything they do just straight out adorable. Everything about them is just so charming. We have often seen our dogs licking their paws and most of the time, we never really gave so much thought about it other than marvel at how beautifully they do it. Paw licking is not an uncommon phenomenon among our canine friends. We have at one time or the other seen them deeply absorbed in this act, at times even to the point of not noticing our presence. And as a pet owner, you might have asked yourself whether this habit is part of his existence or if it warrants further investigation.

Well, not all instances of paw licking are part of the dog’s day-to-day life routine, and indeed, there are some that need to be scrutinized as they could be signs of a significant underlying medical condition. Read on to find out some of the primary reasons as to why dogs lick their paws.


Reasons for That Constant Paw Licking

It can be really frustrating when our dogs incessantly lick their paws throughout the day and not paying heed to anything else around them. As already mentioned, this behavior is most often entirely normal as they do this mainly to groom their paws. However, there are times when they might be going under specific physical or emotional stress that lets them vent on their paws so much.



Yes, just like us, dogs too can get itchy. If you notice that your dog is either licking or chewing his paws, there is a high chance that he has allergies and is only responding the best way he knows how. Dogs can get allergies through contact. Pollen, as well as dust or weed contact, are also known to be significant causes of allergies in dogs. And though we may not know it, some daily used products like cleaning chemicals can also be the cause.

Other times, the itching can also be attributed to flea bites. If you suspect fleas, then just check your dog’s bedding for flea dirt. Food allergy (Yeast Infection) is also included here. Typically, for human beings, food allergy leads to diarrhea, vomiting, etc. and other gut-related problems. But in the case of dogs, skin infection is the primary manifestation of such an allergy. Your dog licking his paws, in this case, is actually a sign of him trying to remove the source of the allergy (allergen). Oral medication and the application of ointments can help heal these problems in most cases.



In the case of anxiety, dogs licking their paws can be equated to human beings biting their nails. Both can get anxious and resort to the licking/ biting in order to calm themselves. When dogs are left alone for long periods of time, then they can develop separation anxiety. They may not know what to do and in turn, develop this habit in order to calm themselves down. If, as a dog owner, you notice this behavior, you should straightaway try to pacify the dogs and work out a schedule to give your dogs ample time to help them overcome their anxiety. If action isn’t taken and the dogs keep licking their paws, they could develop compulsive behavior which would lead to inflamed paws, making it a perfect breeding ground for infectious bacteria.



Dogs are always active and playful, wanting to be on the move, all day long. Sometimes, in all the running and playing, they can hurt themselves. If you notice your dog is continually licking only one of his paws, it could be an indication that he may have wounded himself in that paw. The pain may be due to some cut as well as an embedded thorn or piece of glass, an insect bite, etc. You need to examine the paw and give your canine friend treatment accordingly. There may also be situations more severe. If you notice licking of the paws accompanied by limping, then the cause may very well be a sprained muscle or bone fracture. Do not delay any further and take your dog to the vet for proper care.


Not Enough Activity

Dogs are hyperactive, playful pets. As such, they like it a lot better when their lives are full of activity, and when they don’t get enough of that, they may get bored. And who likes to be bored all day, dog or not? Sometimes, dogs are even left confined in their kennels for long periods of time. All of this can lead to boredom. If your dog has high energy levels, he may resolve to lick his paws to pass the time. And while it is true they sleep half of the day, remember they would still need exercise and movement for the other half of the day. The owners should take their pets for walks, play with them, or give them any toy to keep them occupied and active. This will surely help to reduce the destructive paw licking tendencies.


Hormonal Imbalance

Dogs can suffer from Cushing’s disease due to the overproduction of cortisol, or hypothyroidism which is caused due to the inadequate production of the thyroid hormone. Hormonal imbalance can result in inflamed, red spots as well as frail fur balding, etc. Dogs, of course, don’t understand it and will begin licking the affected areas. This should be stopped as the licking can further result in another severe infection. Proper treatment, like therapeutic medication, can help cure this imbalance.


They’re Obsessed About Too Being Clean

The above may sound funny, but it actually isn’t. This means that your dog is suffering from OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder), i.e., if they see any dirt on their paws, they’ll keep licking until it becomes clean. Now, not having any dust at all isn’t always possible. So, this means they would be incessantly cleaning their paws. The constant licking can lead to raw paws that often get infected. Dog owners have to be even more careful in the above case. Giving your dogs a large variety of toys, keeping them occupied, etc., will help curb the situation. If you notice any inflammation or sores in their paw, immediately take them to the vet.


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A Little Observation Can Solve Most of The ProblemsDogs are charming and great companions. They’ll try to hide their discomfort from their owners. As such, there is an increased need for the owners to look out for any unusual signs. Paw licking, as has already been pointed out, results from different reasons, ranging from physiological, behavioral, environmental and biological. As a general rule, always remember to make a vet visit pronto if the clicking persists.