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3 Effective Ways: What Can I Give My Dog For Pain?


It is very nice to see your dog playing gleefully and running all around your homestead. But, if the dog is staying at one place and whines, it is possible that he is groaning in pain.

He may have some trouble in his tummy or any other part of the body that makes him cry out of some discomfort. If he is bruised or infected, it is a signal that you should take him to a vet.

A vet may examine the doggie and prescribe the appropriate medicine for him. He will ask you to do some tests that accurately determine the health issue of your pet.


How to Determine Whether Your Dog Is in Agony or Pain?

The dogs are introverts who keep the pain to themselves. So, you have to be smart enough to detect your dog’s illness before it becomes sufficiently late to do something productive.

Keep in mind not to go with whatever the internet says about the probable symptoms of diseases. It also tells what you can administer to your dog to treat him. Never give any medicines based on the information you collect from the internet.


1. Inactive

If your dog doesn’t run all around your house and has become a couch potato, it is a sign that he is in trouble. He is not active, as usual, but appears inactive; it may be due to some disease or a cue that he is suffering from pain.


2. Use His Teeth on You

When your furry friend is otherwise silent, but now he tends to bite you to keep you away from him, it is an indication that he is ill. The reason may be because he is not able to stand the pain.


3. Lump on Your Pet’s Body

If you can see some abnormal swelling in your pet’s body, you can conclude that he is in dire need of your assistance. Otherwise, if your pet’s tail is between his legs, it is an indication that he is suffering from pain.


4. Red Eyes

If your pet is sick, his eyes will turn red. If you find the pupa of your pup goes more prominent than ever, this is an indication that he is ill.


Can You Give Human Medications to Your Canine Friend?

It is a big NO. That’s because it will aggravate the problem instead of calming down the situation. It is entirely right that the internet is full of information on the medications we can administer our dog.

But, a vet can only determine the exact disease of your dog. Going through your dog’s health history, he will prescribe medicines for the infection.


What Are the Medicines That You Shouldn’t Give to Your Dog?

Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen, and Naproxen are the three medications that you should never give your dog. There is one medicine available in the medical shop called Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs that can conveniently treat Rheumatic pain, fever, etc.

However, at the same point, it can prove fatal to your dog as it leads to some other health complications. In rare cases, it can result in your pup’s untimely death, as well.


A. Aspirin

We, humans, use Aspirin for fever, to lessen inflammation. It is an excellent pain reliever. However, we can’t forget that it has serious side effects if used for a long time. Similarly, if we give this to dogs continuously, it will have a severe impact on dogs.


B. Ibuprofen

It is natural for the caretakers to give medicine to lessen the suffering of their pups. But, you should never administer ibuprofen to your puppy.

It is true that Ibuprofen is very useful in human beings. But, it is hazardous for your canines. It will lead to the sudden death of pups.


C. Aleve

This medicine can be very much dangerous to the pup as it is toxic to them.

It is always advisable to give medicine according to the prescription of the vet. Otherwise, it can lead to severe side effects like kidney failure, excessive bleeding, extreme tiredness that can lead to the death of your pup.


What Are the Medicines I Can Give to My Dog?


1. Gabapentin

If your dog has any neurological problems, your vet will prescribe Gabapentin. It is equally valid for humans too. If your pup sleeps more than usual when it takes Gabapentin, don’t worry.

This medicine will make him feel dozing for a few days. After that, everything will become orderly.


2. Tramadol

It is a medicine which may cause your pup to sleep for more extended hours. Very rarely, this may upset your pup’s stomach. If you think the dog has unique loose tools, take him to a vet.


3. Glucosamine and Chondroitin

These two medicines are supposed to be given to reduce inflammation in dogs and for cartilage repair. There is no convincing proof that these two medicines help. But, scientists say that these medicines can help reduce pain and solve breathing problems.


Things you should keep in mind before administering medicine to your pup:

  1. Always go according to the prescription.
  2. Before you start giving medication to your puppy, ask for the medical history, treatment details from the vet.
  3. Never increase or decrease a dosage thinking it can help your dog.
  4. Never administer over the counter medicines to your dog as it can cause severe damage to your pup, and can even result in the death of your pooch.



In short, it is challenging for the dog parents or caretakers to understand when your pup is in agony or pain. They run around hiding a disease until he completely stops daily functions and sits quietly in some place.

In such a case, we have to act prudently and help him with his problem. It is not advisable to give them anything to see your dog back to normal. Always take him to a vet who will correctly analyze the problem and prescribe medicines, accordingly.

Even if you find him partially relieved, don’t stop giving medications or alter the dosage which can prove fatal to your dog’s life.

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