
It is no wonder we love our pets to death. Both dogs and cats provide us with comfort, companionship, and cuddles throughout their whole life. So it would be a shame to see them suffering from any kind of health issue. However, problems like coughing are pretty common among the dogs. The reasons behind their coughing can be varying in nature. You need to know about them to be a better dog parent for your pooches. That is why we have dug deep to find out why do dogs cough.


Types of Coughs in Dogs


1. Kennel Cough

Another term for this kennel cough is a canine cough. Such coughs root from a contagious viral or bacterial infection. Your dog may have been exposed to it by being in contact with another infected dog.

This can happen in crowded areas where multiple dogs are presently interacting with each other. You can tell it’s a kennel cough if the coughing sound is dry and deep.


2. Gagging Cough

The main characteristics of this gagging cough are the high-pitched cough sounds. These sounds seem like the dog is trying to get something out of his throat.

Usually, the dogs having such coughs also swallow repeatedly and keep licking their lips. This can be the result of many reasons including a sore throat or even tonsillitis.


3. Wet Cough

Dogs exhibit a wet cough when they make almost gurgling noises during the coughs. Such coughs are also accompanied by phlegm.

Usually, wet coughs are common among puppies, senior dogs and other dogs with weak immune systems. The wet cough may lead to pneumonia taking advantage of the fragile immunity.


All Possible Causes

In addition to the types mentioned above, the dogs can fall victim to many other kinds of coughs. Below is a list of all the possible causes behind such a condition:


1. Allergies

Just like humans, our pets like cats and dogs are also susceptible to allergies. They can root from seasonal changes, environments, and even food particles. If your dog is coughing due to allergies, the coughs will come coupled with bouts of itching and sneezing.

These are the two most common signs of an allergy. Usually, food turns out to be the source of such conditions. So take the pet to an experienced vet to figure out the underlying cause.


2. A sore Throat

As we mentioned in the types of coughs, sore throat can be a reason behind your pet’s coughs. It can cause from cold environments, he might have swallowed something rough, or an object may have got stuck in his throat.

In all these situations, the affected dog exhibits gagging sounds and constant lip-licking. He tries his best to resolve the situation by himself by swallowing the object or make the throat smooth with internal liquids like saliva. All these attempts result in more coughing.


3. Lung Tissues

Lung problems tend to be the primary cause behind wet coughs of dogs. In this situation, some fluid gets into the lungs and make breathing difficult for dogs. Even normal breathing seems tiring to them if this problem occurs.

With time, such coughs weaken the immune system which in turn causes pneumonia. Besides, exposure to an unhealthy environment with bacteria, viruses, fungi, and toxins reside can also lead to lung issues.


4. Reverse Sneezing

A reverse sneeze pulls in too much air which may sound like choking or asthma attack. Such coughs are more prevalent in smaller dogs than others. The flat-faced breeds named brachycephalic also tend to be frequent victims of reverse sneezing.

This, in fact, is not really a cough but it sounds like one due to a spasm caught in the throat. It can also result from exercises, tight collar, change in atmosphere or the intrusion of a particle that triggers physical irritation.


5. Collapsing Trachea

Toy breeds of dogs like Spaniels, Terriers, and Pinschers can exhibit coughs due to collapsing trachea. Dogs weighing a bit higher than usual can also suffer from this. This happens when your pooch is struggling against his collar.

It can also be the result of exercising in hot weather. This condition causes them to make coughing noises similar to a honking duck.


6. Heart Disease

Breeds like Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are the most susceptible to heart diseases. Dogs with this condition keep coughing more frequently at night-time or when they lie down.

The heart disease arises from fluid getting into the lungs in large amount. As the dog lies down or sleeps, it gets easier for the liquid to enter the lungs. That is why they tend to cough more rapidly in those situations.


7. Heartworm Disease

If your dog does not have the vaccination against heartworm disease, he may fall victim to it pretty easily. This disease arises from mosquito bites which transfer larval parasites between dogs.

Those parasites get into the heart and lungs of the new dog. After they grow up completely, they can cause fatal damage to both the lungs and the heart. You can cure it effectively by providing medicines to the affected dog as soon as possible. But without prompt medication, the condition can get worse very fast and lead to dangerous situations.


8. Laryngeal Paralysis

A dog affected by laryngeal paralysis cannot fully open up the tunnel to his larynx. So he faces trouble to get air into the larynx properly and thus keeps coughing. He also exhibits difficulty in holding breath and produces noise while breathing.

He can undergo surgery in the larynx area to make breathing easier for him. The catch is, this surgery can also make him more susceptible to pneumonia.


When Should You Take The Dog to a Vet?

If your dog coughs once in a while, it may not be much of a headache. But if he exhibits signs of allergies, lung issues or heart diseases, going to the vet is necessary. Firstly, a vet can figure out if your predictions or assumptions about the causes are in fact correct.

Then, he can specify the treatments and medications required to make your pooch healthy again. By delaying your meet with the vet, you may be pushing your canine friend into more dangerous health hazards.



Now that you know what can adversely affect the cute canine beings, you can provide them better safety. The main lesson here is – a little bit of cautiousness goes a long way. You can easily avoid something as serious as heart disease with only vaccination.

So remember to provide your pets with the necessary doses and medications for a long healthy life.


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