
Many people feel that cats are not as expressive as dogs when it comes to showing their love. Some tend to compare feline behavior with dogs (which of course would be unfair) and believe that cats are aloof, unaffectionate, disinterested and unemotional.

This is very far from the truth. Being a parent to a cat can be rewarding especially when you begin to understand the way she reciprocates your love. Unlike humans’ cats can’t speak and express their love words. They mostly communicate through body language and show love through some interesting gestures or postures. Let’s explore some of the ways your feline kid expresses affection for you.



The most vulnerable and guarded part of a cat’s body is its stomach. A cat exposes its belly only in front of people that she trusts and is comfortable with. Your cat may start rolling on the floor when she sees you. This conveys that she feels totally protected and safe in your presence. She is happy and excited to see you and wants your attention. The Upright Tail At times when you pet your cat, you will notice how she raises her butt up. Also, the tail goes into a vertically upright position with the tip curved. This is an expression of love. It starts from kittenhood they frequently use this posture to express love and respect for their mother. A cat continues to carry forward this behavioral expression into adulthood.



Cats lick when they are trust, consider each other unique and leave their scent. Grooming for cats also acts as a stress-buster. Mutual grooming is a sign of friendship and acceptance to the inner circle. By licking your skin, hair, ears or clothes, your cat is trying to mark you as part of her unique family.


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The Headbutt

Apparently, cats have certain glands in their head and cheeks which produce oil. The cat may bring her forehead and butt it against your chin or cheek. This is her way of marking you as part of her clan. This gesture is also called head bunting. She may also head bunt other pets in the home. Identifying you with her scent provides your cat with comfort. This gesture helps your cat as well as you feel good due to the release of endorphins in the body. Your cat may also rub her cheeks against your ankles or hands. And at times even against the furniture in the house.



When your cat is sitting on your lap, and you pet her, you might find her paws digging alternatively into and out of your skin as if she was kneading the dough. This is not her way to hurt you but saying that “I love you.” Kittens knead their mother’s breasts for inducing milk flow. Therefore, your cat repeating the gesture may convey warm memories of her kittenhood. You may use a pillow to provide a buffer between your lap and your cat’s paws. This is to ensure that it doesn’t hurt you much.


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Sleeping On Your Lap

Cats sleep up to 16 hours daily. Cats typically choose a warm, safe, secure and trusted location. Your cat often sacrifices a warmer or comfortable place for your lap for a nap. It’s an indication that she prefers your company and adores you.


Bringing You A Gift

To express her love, your cat will bring you all kind of gifts ranging from toys to small dead animals. You may not appreciate a gift like a dead mouse, but don’t forget that your cat is after all a carnivore and a born hunter. Do not express your disgust. Instead, you need to praise your cat if she were to bring you a dead pigeon or mouse.



An extremely affectionate way that your cat will express her love for you is by looking into your eyes and then blinking slowly. Cats only look into the eyes of those that they trust and know well. The slow blink is the cat’s equivalent of a kiss. Reciprocate the gesture by a slow blink.


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Rubbing Their Body

At times, you might have noticed your cat rubbing her body against your legs or trying to weave her way through them. The cat will do this in a manner that almost making you trip over her. Cats use this gesture to express love to other creatures. This is another way your cat is marking you and very similar to the head-butting gesture.



Purring is a rhythmic vibration like the sound that your cat makes while she is relaxed and enjoying herself. It may feel as if she has a motor inside her body. Producing this sound is linked to your feline kid being contended. Cats also purr to calm themselves down. When your cat purrs in your presence, your cat is telling you how much she loves you. The purring may get louder as you pay more attention and shower more love.


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Following You Around

If your cat follows you everywhere, it is an indication that she loves your company. She wants to be around especially if it is not around the feeding time.



Kittens nip each other to show affection. Your cat nipping at your finger, while it may anger you, is her way of expressing love. These love bites don’t mean any harm even though you may not appreciate this method of showing love.



This is another way for your cat to leave her scent, as well as visible marks, the cat will be scratching places in the home where she is comfortable and wants to express her ownership. These places are linked to the owner in some way or the other like the corner of the sofa where you sit.



Kittens meow at their mother when they are hungry or afraid. Once they attain adulthood cats don’t meow at each other. Meowing is reserved only for their communication with humans. If your cat meows excessively on your return home, it conveys her happiness and excitement on seeing you. Also, she may want your attention.


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Many of your cat’s gestures may have appeared weird and irritating. However, you need to realize what she was trying to communicate all this while. You need to be aware of your feline kid’s body language, postures, and gestures. This way, you will be able to quickly recognize the times when she is expressing her love for you.