
Compliments on your decision adopting dogs. You are not only in for a rewarding and enriching experience, but are doing a commendable thing for mother nature. Do you feel overwhelmed by the task ahead of you? Worry not, these ten tips will help you prepare for your new furry-buddy and make him feel comfortable and appreciated. The important thing is How to Adopting Dogs to be your family member.


1. Shop for your Pup’s Essentials

Shopping for your new furry companion’s essentials in advance is an excellent way to make him feel welcome upon arrival. When going shopping, you must know the size of the dog you are bringing home. His size will be a crucial consideration when buying most of the essentials.

When buying your dog’s food, take into consideration his regular diet so that you can go easy on his tummy. You may need to stock up at least a week’s supply of that food. You will prevent gastric distress by introducing the new food gradually into the diet to which he was accustomed.

Pick out a leash and collar according to your dog’s size. You may want to select a breakaway collar which is excellent for daily wear. The beauty of a breakaway collar is its design to unsnap easily, which prevents chocking if your dog gets caught on something. A harness or a buckle collar is an ideal choice for walks because it does not unsnap easily, thereby preventing your dog from running off.

When buying food and water dishes, look for non-slip bowls. Your dog will be more comfortable eating without his plate sliding around. Regarding toys, consider how your dog will use it. Dogs love a toy that can roll, ensure to avail one that for chewing and another for chasing. Toys made from hard rubber or rope are the safest to prevent choking hazards.
A crate is also essential to ease the adjustment period. Ensure to buy a big enough box for your dog to stand and even turn around. It is wise to observe the weight and height recommendations when selecting a crate. You can also add some bedding for more comfort.


2. Prepare Your Dog New Home

Taking time to prepare your pup’s home is essential for his comfort and the safety of both the dog and your pocket. Puppies and adult dogs alike are naturally curious and can get into trouble just like small children. To prevent this, dog proof the space where your pooch will be spending most of his time, or everywhere he may access.

Dog-proofing can begin with a thorough general cleaning to put everything in its rightful place and get rid of any hazards. A brilliant way to make your home safer is to put yourself in the dog’s shoes (or paws).

You can lie on the floor or get on all fours to look around for anything that may fall into the dog’s eye view. Further dog-proofing can involve keeping hazardous materials and valuables out of the dog’s reach, even on his hind legs. You can install baby gates, organize loose cables, keep away chemicals, breakables, rugs, and houseplants.

Importantly, you must prepare some private space for your pup. While your dog is happy to be home and loving all the attention, dogs need some time to themselves. Designating a private area for your dog will give him a place to retreat when resting, and a haven during the adjustment period. A crate can serve this purpose well, and alternatively, you can use a peg gate to partition a room for your pet. You can make this space more comfortable by adding some bedding, one of your old shirts, toys, and a water bowl. The ideal space would be somewhere your dog can see everything, but is away from major foot-traffic areas.


3. Give your Doggy a Great First Day

Leaving the shelter can be stressful, remember you are taking the pup from a place he considers home. As soon as you get into the car, make sure your dog feels at ease. You can ask someone to drive as you keep the pup occupied. You may also bring some towels just in case the dog feels car sick. If you are alone, secure the pooch in a crate and keep the ride relaxed and quiet. It would be helpful if you went straight home from the shelter.

When you get home, try to keep things as low key as possible. Keep your pup on a leash and take as much time to show the dog around. Take your dog to the designated potty area immediately and reward him when your dog goes there. Stay with him on a leash and take him to the same spot every time he wants to use the bathroom.

Time to meet the rest of the family can be fun, but stressful too. Let your family members greet the dog one at a time outside before he enters the house. The interaction should be calm and driven by the dog. Let him approach and sniff; family members can improve the experience by offering treats. During the initial introduction, avoid kissing, hugging, patting on the head, picking or even staring. Some of these things may be scary for the dog. If you have other dogs, they should be on a leash and introduced outside too; calm and low key.


4. When Introducing the Kids

A lot depends on how your babies’ first meeting takes place. Your children must be ecstatic about the new buddy, and they are dying to play with him and shower him with affection. So what can you do to ensure they start off on the right paw?
For their first encounter, ensure that your new dog is on a leash and that the children are calm. Kids can be more relaxed when seated; have them say hello in that position, which will also leave the new dog more peaceful. It would also be helpful if you categorically elaborated the Do’s and Don’ts to your children.

Every other interaction between your young ones and the dog should always be supervised. What’s more, you can also child-proof your dog. First, ensure the dog understands his position in the family’s pecking order and that he should respect your kids. Before your child can approach, have the dog in a sit position to remind the pup that he is subordinate.


5. Socializing with Other Pets

If you have another dog at home, it is advisable that you let them tag along for the adoption. Most shelters require that families bring any dogs they have at home to greet the potential newcomer. This policy is intended to confirm that the interaction between your fur babies won’t be a problem. In most occasions, the situation works well, and your pup may help to introduce the rest of the family.

It is recommended that you let your pets meet for the first time outside your home. Dogs tend to be territorial in their habitat, and it would ease the pressure if your new dog were introduced to the pack on the neutral ground. Going for a long walk can break the ice and spark a pack mentality in your pets. Otherwise, wait until both dogs are relaxed before introducing them on a leash.

You must be careful not to make the resident pet feel like you are trying to substitute them; otherwise, your new dog may not be welcome. Therefore, avoid changing the resident pet’s routine, give your new dog periodic breaks in their crate and spend time with both of them individually for the first few days.

Playtime during the first days should be supervised and can be made less stressful by providing many toys to prevent stealing from each other. Finally, enforce your rules, boundaries, and limitations on your new pooch immediately to avoid creating anxiety in the other which can be risky.

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6. Provide Some Structure

Do not be tempted to cut your pooch some slack because he is new. Introducing structure into your new dog’s life early can save you tons of problems down the road. It is easier to prevent a bad habit from progressing than it is to break it. Additionally, dogs crave structure because it makes them feel safer knowing what you expect of them, and the repercussions of not abiding by the rules.

During the ride home, if he whines pet him lightly and let him be. Being overly affectionate will only reinforce the behavior. Develop a routine for feeding, toileting, exercise and solitary. Be sure to use the same keywords when signaling these crucial periods to avoid confusion.

From your fur baby’s perspective, rules and routine are a good thing. They make him feel more confident in his surroundings. It is up to you to be consistent with the regulations and training. You can also minimize your pet’s chances to make mistakes by limiting his unsupervised time to crate-time.


7. Expect Some Adjustment Time

Relocating can be a stressful endeavor, especially for dogs. During the first days, some dogs may experience an upset stomach and even diarrhea. Dogs that were already housebroken can relapse and have toilet accidents. Your fur-baby may even be shy for the first few days until he gains some trust and confidence. It may also take him some time to grasp the house rules fully. While these lovely creatures are instinctive and adaptive, they communicate in a different language from humans. Therefore, be patient as they try to figure things out.

The adjustment period is distinct with each dog with some taking longer than others to acclimate. It is necessary that you remain patient with your new friend and reassure him through your actions that he can trust you. Most shelters will be happy to hear from you, and you can consult with your pet’s former home in case of any trouble settling in.

If you are adopting a puppy, you may require some adjustment time as well. Acquiring a puppy is similar to having a child. The first thing to expect is the numerous potty breaks because of the pup’s weak bladder. A puppy may have up to four toilet breaks in a day. You may want to make arrangements for a pet sitter if you are going to work.


8. The Pillars of Health

Health is paramount to having a happy dog. Nutrition and exercise are the pillars of having a healthy, and well-balanced pet. While these things may seem somewhat obvious, they are often overlooked, leading to weak, unhappy pets with a short life-span.

Your furry friend is a carnivore. As such, their ideal diet would be a species-appropriate diet. When you go shopping, look around for raw food diets for your furry friend. They include meat inspected and approved by the USDA, vegetables, and grains, which is more biologically suitable. If you prefer to give them canned foods, then select that have been approved by the USDA.

Canines are naturally athletic. Therefore, you should provide your new dog with opportunities for physical exercise to prevent behavioral issues and complications of the joints. Activities may include hiking, walking, jogging, swimming, tug-of-war, and dog sports among others. Remember always to keep your pet hydrated.

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9. Take Safety Measures

You can never be too cautious with your fur baby. When picking up your new pup, bring an ID tag which has your contact details as a safety measure. You can also take extra precaution and have your dog microchipped. These are just precautions to ensure that your loyal friend finds their way back to you.

Take your new pet to see the vet during the first few days of his arrival. As the latest addition to your family, you want to be sure that he is free of any illness, and is current with his vaccinations. It is also an opportunity to create a rapport with the local vet.

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10. Always Keep Learning

Once your new dog is home, it is your responsibility to turn him into the fantastic dog you’ve always envisioned. If he has some behaviors of which you disapprove, teach him what’s right. You may also want him to learn some tricks and basic obedience. You can opt for a dog training school which is also a chance to socialize. Conversely, you can also do it yourself.
Dogs love to be challenged, and training provides that test. Persistence is a crucial component in dog training, and as long as you use positive reinforcement, your dog will enjoy learning.


Adopting a dog is a life-affirming act. Soon enough your furry friend will realize he is in his forever home and you will be surprised at how he will bloom. His love and loyalty will be your reward.



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